Hihat - dynamic chick - firmware testing

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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby r0bbie » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:31 am

gabriel1712 wrote:
r0bbie wrote:My experience is that chick only happens from 3/4 or further open to closed, and always with one velocity, pressing the pedal from half open to closed produces no sound at all.

Yup, my experience too. Or rather soft chicks won't register. Is your one velocity also ~127?

I can’t tell you right now since I am having holydays, I am sitting in front of my tent in the south of France 8-) and the camping appears to have WiFi :P .
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:33 am

Since you brought it to my attention I will think about what can be changed about chick handling.
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby userfriendly » Thu Apr 30, 2009 10:50 am

gabriel1712 wrote:I often use fast, but low volumn chicks to give the ride pattern a certain drive. In that case it could prolly be simulated by comparing the distance the foot travel (very little) to the speed (fast) = light chick. And equally in a slow heavy groove, I would say the power of the chick is 'gravity-driven', slow and thick rather than speedy. So long distances and slow = thick chick.

I kinda like this idea. Though I could imagine that simply using distance, the CC range traveled, would be the neatest implementation, disregarding speed completely.
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby gabriel1712 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 11:57 am

dmitri wrote:Since you brought it to my attention I will think about what can be changed about chick handling.

Cool! and since my thread then no longer is hijacked ;P could you give your thoughts to why Robbie and I currently only have ONE velocity, no matter the speed applied?

Is it in our settings? The hardware?

r0bbie wrote:My wife didn’t allow me to take my drumkit with me :cry: .

Hmm... hardly fair. I assume she got to bring shoes, didn't she?!! *ducks*
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:06 pm

gabriel1712 wrote:
dmitri wrote:Since you brought it to my attention I will think about what can be changed about chick handling.

Cool! and since my thread then no longer is hijacked ;P could you give your thoughts to why Robbie and I currently only have ONE velocity, no matter the speed applied?

Is it in our settings? The hardware?

I guess it is a combination of the hardware and settings. On the settings side the main thing is that Low and High Levels are set as far apart as possible but still being able to get fully open and fully close CC messages.
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby r0bbie » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:35 pm

dmitri wrote:Since you brought it to my attention I will think about what can be changed about chick handling.

GREAT! Thanks in advance, but don't put out to soon or I have to go home a week early from holyday to test it ;)
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby gabriel1712 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:54 pm

dmitri wrote:
gabriel1712 wrote:
dmitri wrote:Since you brought it to my attention I will think about what can be changed about chick handling.

Cool! and since my thread then no longer is hijacked ;P could you give your thoughts to why Robbie and I currently only have ONE velocity, no matter the speed applied?

Is it in our settings? The hardware?

I guess it is a combination of the hardware and settings. On the settings side the main thing is that Low and High Levels are set as far apart as possible but still being able to get fully open and fully close CC messages.

I set my low/highlvl to the steady level at 30/260 days ago . Still can't pry velocity under 125. I noticed you used the exact same controller in your opticle HH build. If possible, could you plug it in as it was original intented and see if it's a hardware limitation?

r0bbie wrote:
gabriel1712 wrote:...Is your one velocity also ~127?

I can’t tell you right now since I am having holydays
Since you don't remember, I guess yours doesn't smack you with a max. I was wearing a headset and damn nearly wet my shorts. :shock:
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby dmitri » Thu Apr 30, 2009 4:49 pm

Please check the latest firmware which I just posted.

I also move this topic to the Hardware section.
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby gabriel1712 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 6:43 pm

Man, you work fast! I'm getting far better readings, but I can't fully test it untill later tonight. I'll be back!
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Re: Hihat - problem w/ dynamic chick

Postby gabriel1712 » Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:52 pm

Testing the 20090430 firmware: I set Pedal to 'POT' so I could see a handfull chicks on the same screen without 'Foot controlling' messages scrolling them off screen. Chick closing should behave the same for 'POT' and 'F-control', right? Splash-note keeps interfering with Chick-note. 'ChckDelay' doesn't seem to have any effect supressing splash, even when set to 127. I disregard it for now, just thought I'd mention it.

I can now produce chicks in the full velocity range 1-127. The closing time code needs some tunning. To make soft chicks around velocity=10 I need to spent about 1 sec closing the pedal,. ½ sec closing will bring vel=50. Those are round figures.

Anything particular you want me to test?
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