The MCT wishing well - Tossing coins at Elrules!

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The MCT wishing well - Tossing coins at Elrules!

Postby gabriel1712 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 9:11 am

I use MCT a lot and I think it's brilliant. I do have a few suggestions, some features I would really like to see.

- To use both note name and MIDI note number. (eg. D2-38), or just a switch between them if adding extra digits means redoing the whole interface.

MIDI Monitor:
- For instant xtalk spotting - an option similar to this 'HOLD NOTE' Image but instead of removing all other notes, it simply colors them very distinctly, eg. red.

- For instant retrigger spotting - show the time gap between hits in a number above the note bar. Could be capped at 100 millisec. and show values above as +100.

I have zero knowledge of programing and therefore no way of telling if these wishes are silly or sane.

And a side question: is the 'FROM FILE' option broken? I never seem to get data from file...
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Re: The MCT wishing well - Tossing coins at Elrules!

Postby elrules » Tue May 05, 2009 9:21 pm

Nice suggestions. Written down for the next release.

And about the FROM FILE, you should before have done a SAVE TO FILE, so it saves the sysex in an special format, read back by the FROM FILE option.

I will copy your suggestions to the main thread of MCT...
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