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Xtalk and isolation issues.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:20 pm
by NicoLai
First Sorry for bad translation, I'm using google translator.

I have a question about the Xtalk, I think I understand its functionality but do not quite understand how I have to apply it, say that my problem is that my 3º tomb make interference with the ride cymbal, and 1º tomb with the hit hat, as would have to set the xtalk for further isolation?
I define Xtalk level for each case, and separated into different groups Xtalk Tombs and cymbals?

For example

Xtalk Level 2
Xtalk group 1

Hit Hat
Xtalk Level 2
Xtalk group 2

This did not work too well.

Thanks for everything! and apologies again for my English.

Nico Alix.

Re: Xtalk and isolation issues.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 7:41 pm
by airflamesred
Generally the drums that have crosstalk should be in the same group. MD measures everything in that group.

In your case put tom1 and hi hat in the same group.

Re: Xtalk and isolation issues.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 8:18 pm
by NicoLai
Many thanks!!! I have long time building some extra pads that go along the snare and I have taken many turns to avoid interference physically, using the Xtalk properly now are already perfect, and the problem of Ride and tomb completely solved!