Mesh head double triggering

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Mesh head double triggering

Postby Scaradrummer » Fri Mar 15, 2019 7:51 pm

I'm almost finishing to configure my megadrum, but I'm having a hard time getting my snare to sound playable.
It's a 14 inch acoustic snare with internal side mounted trigger and double ply mesh head. No matter how I adjust the settings or tune the head.... I still get double triggering.
If I adjust the settings to eliminate false triggering of soft hits, then i get double triggering in the hard ones.... And vice versa...
Anyone has a clue on a good way to solve that? I'm experimenting for two weeks now, searching forums, watching videos, I want to solve this problem as soon as possible so I can spend my time practicing and playing, not programming nor troubleshooting.
I already tried the post "useful links to configure megadrum", the step-by-step instructions on how to configure a mesh drum, i also did a lot of reading of the documentation (pads settings, misc settings, etc), i think i understand what's min scan time, threshold, retrigger, dynamic level and dynamic time, and still getting a horrible unplayable snare.
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby ignotus » Fri Mar 15, 2019 10:41 pm

What trigger are you using? Is it DIY? A strip of foam around the perimeter underneath the head, touching it, helps with that problem. Some commercial pads use that method. If the trigger is DIY it may need redesigning.
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby Mylo » Fri Apr 26, 2019 10:37 pm

I have found that without posting as much info as you can, like trigger and mesh head maker and a screen shot of your settings it is hard for anybody on the forum to suggest fixes. As you assuredly already know soooo many variables go into getting things right it is hard to suggest fixes without the information.

Along with what was asked previously about your triggers... are you using positional sensing? Do you have your third zone turned on for something like rim shots? A screen shot of your settings will tell someone a lot and help in coming up with possible solutions.
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby Scaradrummer » Tue May 28, 2019 1:14 am

I have a wooden snare, acoustic converted, 14 inch, 2ply mesh head.
Piezo is mounted on a bar, with cone foam (I bought the cone foam, it's not DIY-made).
I adjusted the cone height just like V-Drum tips Youtube channel (one milimiter above wood border).
The settings are:
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby ignotus » Tue May 28, 2019 5:56 am

Is it a side-mounted trigger using a foam cone? Not the best approach. Also, that high level looks very low, you need to raise gain (and untick 'auto highlevel' when it's set properly). If you have to raise Retrigger, Dynlevel and Dyntime so high to avoid double triggering, the problem is almost definitely the physical setup of the trigger. This is really important to get proper triggering, so if you could post close-up pics of your trigger assembly we might be able to provide suggestions.
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby Erik » Wed May 29, 2019 5:31 am

Had same problem here. My main Problem was a too hot trigger signal, and it seems to be that at your snare too. If you set gain to 4 i think you have the complete dynamic range of the input ADs, so if it goes to 1023with auto high level at gain 4, the pad is too hot (my experience, not official). You can pull down the output level with a resistor like shown in other threads.
The second thing that helped me was a damper. You can use a piece of foam between meshhead and triggerbar for example. Also i had problems when thighten the head too extreme.
It is also helpful to view the piezo outputs in a daw to be surd of correct polarity and waveform. You can see how long the first half wave is that way too,for setting up minscan.

I hope this helps a bit
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Re: Mesh head double triggering

Postby Scaradrummer » Sat Jun 08, 2019 12:15 am

I have center mouted sensor. The foam cone and the piezo were bought, it's not DIY foam. The metal bar, otherwise, is DIY.
The cone heigth is 1mm above the wood border just like VDRUM TIPS videos. I don't have any dampening foam, I'll try that.
One important thing to mention is that my edrum kit is not even playable with "alt sampling algorythm" UNchecked.
I have to check this option, then the kit response becomes more realistic. As a consequence, I have to reduce the values of threshold of all pads, but works fine - except for the snare.
When I try to do a single stroke roll with strength applied (like a machine gun sound), some strokes are strong, some are weak, even applying the same strenth in my arms. The sound of mesh head is even, same volume all strokes, but the signals captured have big difference in velocity.
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