MegaDrum BSS

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby elrules » Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:01 pm

And are you planning something special regarding software side (MCT)?

I have already a lot of ideas (and feature requests) to implement to make it quite easier to configure it.

Any help or cooperation would be nice
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby dm9876 » Thu Oct 01, 2009 8:54 am

>>Of course they might feel different if they had to transport and mic up a kit three times a week.

All of a sudden your motives become clear! ;-) While studio time might be expensive, live gigging seems to me even more critical for reliability of systems (expensive + lots more upset people if things fail)

How do you normally evaluate what systems that you would carry backups / spares for? eg mic's / amps / mixers / monitors etc. I guess it depends on the impact of failure (ie how easily can you manage without it) and your previous experience of reliability.

If I was hoping to use a megadrum based eDrum kit in place of an acoustic kit, I might like to evaluate the reliability by using it in parallel for a while. eg mount external triggers on the acoustic kit and see how things go. But then that's even more set-up work for you :-)

>>If you gave the average drummer a choice between a megadrum setup or an acoustic kit - could you expect him to choose a megadrum?

I can't see you ever really succeeding in that goal. I don't think reliability is the main factor. I see eDrums as a very personal thing, typically for practice / environments where noise is a factor (ie not a live gig) or where you what to take advantage of being able to play different or special samples (comes down to the personal thing, so not really applying to "average" drummer). Also different eDrums are wildly variable in what sort of articulations they can emulate, where as with acoustic you could always know roughly what your getting.

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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby Ken Forgettable » Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:00 pm

dm9876 wrote:If I was hoping to use a megadrum based eDrum kit in place of an acoustic kit, I might like to evaluate the reliability by using it in parallel for a while. eg mount external triggers on the acoustic kit and see how things go. But then that's even more set-up work for you :-)
I have my evaluation done already.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby dmitri » Sat Oct 03, 2009 2:08 pm

I'll probably move this topic to "Off topic" unless someone tells and shows me that it at all makes any sense and belongs in here.
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby Pete Predictable » Mon Nov 02, 2009 3:01 am

Ken Forgettable wrote:Stage 2. (Pretty much dumped this but it may have to wake up again)
ATmega644p (no bootloader) and USB PIC variant with Succ-U-Bus ICSP.
This is backward compatible with current designs at 20MHz only.

Without treading on anyones feet - I have a few issues with this thing I'd like to throw over the wall.
Keep in mind that the bootloader still has to work if the app' firmware is not functioning for what ever reason:-

+ How should the firmware pass control to the bootloader (this applies to any future ARM ports too).
1. Use a Sysex reset (realtime 0xFF) message?
2. Use a non real time Sysex request ID?
3. Use the existing megadrum ERASE Firmware message.

Even though it is sensible for Dmitri not to implement any extraneous code into his firmware (for maintainance reasons) I currently think the 1st option should be implemented (by committee :P ), it is within MIDI spec' and as far as I see could only be beneficial to the project as it sidesteps the current design issue of resetting by unplugging the unit.

... It is not a good idea to initiate an update transfer though a designated port; then expect the same port to be available after a fresh enumeration...

PS. I really didn't expect to have to do a 'Stage 2' of the Megadrum BSS where the USB PIC code has to manage hardware resets as well...
Pete Predictable
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby Pete Predictable » Sun Nov 15, 2009 11:45 pm

Ouff, то был трудным выходом!
Pete Predictable
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby Ken Forgettable » Mon Nov 16, 2009 12:26 am

Pete Predictable wrote:Ouff, то был трудным выходом!

Well I think it's the height of pessimism to have you bowler hat lined with chained mail...
Ken Forgettable
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Re: MegaDrum BSS

Postby kwas » Mon Nov 16, 2009 3:20 pm

Nice to see you back, Ken! :)
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