Bearing Edges

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Bearing Edges

Postby shareec70 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:27 pm

I've been lurking for a while and think I'm going to undertake a little project. But, I have some questions. They are mostly drum related but I will be using it with Megadrum so I want to know for sure from you experts rather than general diy population. Also, I am in no way a drummer, but a guitar player, singer/songwriter with a small project studio. The drums would be for that studio and visiting bands. Thanks!

I'm considering building my own drums out of maple tubing (there is a drum manufacturer here in the town I live and someone told me they often have scraps that I might be able to snag for free). Using the maple tubing would simply be for cosmetics and a "fun" project since the kit will only be used in conjunction with Megadrum, EZDrummer, and S2.2. I will also have silent mesh heads to appease the wife. :-)

1. Do I need a bearing edge on the drums? It seems to me no, but I'd like an answer from you all.
2. What about lugs, since they are only mesh heads, are there head attachments that I could get by with that only have three lugs or do I need the six?
3. Thoughts on drum racks? Do I need to know the rack it's going on so I can pick the right mounts? Not being a drummer, this is any info you can pass on would be very helpful. I looked at drum racks and mounts and there are so many options. I want a physically stable kit without spending too much but leaving me open for expansion since I seem to have caught the DIY bug.

Thanks for your expert input.
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Joined: Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:17 pm

Re: Bearing Edges

Postby jman 31 » Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:40 pm

shareec70 wrote:1. Do I need a bearing edge on the drums? It seems to me no, but I'd like an answer from you all.

No you don't have to have any special bearing edge. It is a good idea to round the edges though with a router or some sand paper to keep the edge from wearing through your mesh head.

shareec70 wrote:2. What about lugs, since they are only mesh heads, are there head attachments that I could get by with that only have three lugs or do I need the six?

I would say four to five would be the least I would do, but that depends on the size of the drum. You still want to pull it down evenly and tightly.

shareec70 wrote:3. Thoughts on drum racks? Do I need to know the rack it's going on so I can pick the right mounts? Not being a drummer, this is any info you can pass on would be very helpful. I looked at drum racks and mounts and there are so many options. I want a physically stable kit without spending too much but leaving me open for expansion since I seem to have caught the DIY bug.

Drum rack is totally up to you. You need to know the cross tube size in order to be able to get the right mounts for it. Check on ebay, there are often racks with mounts available for a reasonable price. Or if you really have the diy bug, you can use my tutorial found HERE. You may have to register to view the files.
jman 31
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Re: Bearing Edges

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sat Dec 12, 2009 1:30 am

shareec70 wrote:1. Do I need a bearing edge on the drums? It seems to me no, but I'd like an answer from you all.
A 30 deg' internal chamfer should stop any buzzing.

shareec70 wrote:2. What about lugs, since they are only mesh heads, are there head attachments that I could get by with that only have three lugs or do I need the six?

Lugs keep the head tuned!
Take a look at the Arbiter flats AT tuning system - if you come up with a DIY version post your results back here...
Ken Forgettable
Posts: 402
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