DIY drum rack?

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DIY drum rack?

Postby beatzbounce321 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 1:50 am

I want to build a custom rack for my array of electronic pads. My biggest obstacle in this project is the price of the clamps that yamaha sells for tube racks. Does anybody have any suggestions for a cheaper way to go about this?
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Re: DIY drum rack?

Postby jman 31 » Wed Feb 24, 2010 2:00 am

Here is one that I designed out of galvanized fence posts and pvc fittings. I made one also out of 1-1/4 fittings and 1-5/8 O.D. pipe actually was beefier and worked better. You will probably have to register to see the files.
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Re: DIY drum rack?

Postby Sylv1co » Wed Feb 24, 2010 8:49 am

This is not DIY but far cheaper than Yamaha :
metal clamp for 10 euro: ... p-346.html
metal pipe connection for 10 euro: ... p-347.html
Complete steel rack for 89 euro :

Or this is a DIY project but I think it will cost more than 100 euro : ... index2.htm
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Re: DIY drum rack?

Postby pfhor » Fri Feb 26, 2010 2:42 pm

I was gonna recommend Drum-tec as well. I will be buying this for my e-drum kit, fantastic price and they have a fixed shipping cost regardless of what you buy - I e-mailed them to confirm that full racks are included. I read somewhere that the parts are Dixon, maybe someone can confirm/deny that? Either way, solid hardware.
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Re: DIY drum rack?

Postby lorylaci » Fri Mar 05, 2010 8:49 pm

Dear Everybody!

I have been making lots of special rack plans which can offer the following:
- it should hide the cables inside
- it should mount lot more pads than any other
- it should be made from available materials
- it should be nice :)

My first prototype was not a success. It was ugly, but most of the cables did go inside the rack tube. It was made from 1" chrome-plated steel tubes, with chrome plated iron connections. The metal parts cost about 12.000 Ft's (about 40 euro).
The cables etc. cost about 3000 Ft (10 euro). So it was cheap. I use it on reherseals, beacuse we have to pack everythign into a small room everytime, so i can make it very compact.

Sine then I changed to megadrum, got more pads (one morre cymbal, one more PD-7)

My latest design. on paper: horizontal racks are 1"x1" square-shape "tubes", with double RCA sockets on bottom. The cables should be flat ribbon cable (thicker than normal PC cable). Vertical tubes should be 5/4" and 3/2" telescopic. Tightening screws should be fast-tightening (like on bicycles) everywhere. All metal part should be made from aluminium.
There should 32 RCAs total.... (16 stereo or 32 mono). There would only one horizontal tubes per side.
I will scan the design later if somebody is interested, and would like to share comments.
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