Future of this project, suggestions and general discussion

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:49 pm

If you don't want rimshot functionality, just configure head and rim inputs as separate single zone pads and you can hit head and rim simultaneously.
For any dual/3way zone pad/cymbal only one zone can be triggered at a time, this is the whole point of joining them into dual/3way pads/cymbals.
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 13, 2015 5:58 pm

privatex wrote:Today I found that tom1 and tom3 have different response with same pad and same parametres in MD (similar as my ride's inputs but much worse behaving). Results are big false triggering. It's funny I plug pad in input for tom 1 everything is great,when I change and put in tom3 it start to give me 5-6 strokes per one real.

From viewtopic.php?p=28525#p28525 I thought you understood the difference between inputs with and without precision rectifiers. Am I wrong? I also suggested to you, if you have this problem on identical inputs, to start a new topic with this particular problem description.
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby privatex » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:04 pm

I can see now, prec. rec.'s gives much better results so Im gona make them. I have one question are default inputs for tom1 and ton3 identical? I erased my post because....
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:05 pm

As per viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2052 Positional Sensing addon board adds precision rectifiers on inputs 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12
Tom1 head is on input 10
Tom3 head is on input 14
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby privatex » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:08 pm

Than they dont have same outpus for identic conf. and pad, dont know why. Some other time we will see what is happening there. Thank you dmitri. And for 3th zone gonna make some external rim pads which resolve this problem. My thougts was that it can be done with 2 piezos but it cant.
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:15 pm

privatex wrote:Than they dont have same outpus for identic conf. and pad, dont know why. Some other time we will see what is happening there.

Because you have a Positional Sensing addon board and the Tom 1 head input has a precision rectifier (input 10) and the Tom 3 head input (input 14) does not!
Thank you dmitri. And for 3th zone gonna make some external rim pads which resolve this problem. My thougts was that it can be done with 2 piezos but it cant.

What can and what cannot be done with 2 piezos?

P.S. N1: you edit your previous posts and now it looks like I reply to non-existing questions.
P.S. N2: I already suggested to you several times - if you have a particular problem, start a SEPARATE topic about it before making a conclusion about what MegaDrum can and what it cannot do and I'll do my best to help to resolve it.
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby privatex » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:50 pm

P.S. N1 is not correct, everything is clear.
So instead of tom 3 I can use crash input (with ps) because it have p.r. and it will have same results. All right, that doesn't mean that I dont know what MD can do and what can't (re for P.S. N2).
So MD without prec. rec. wont work as good as with, right.
I become electronic zombie student for this year with this device, man...
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby dmitri » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:27 pm

From your previous post I understand you don't need my help.
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Re: Future of this project, suggestions and general discussi

Postby privatex » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:58 pm

Honestly I'm on the border of nerve for this device and his configuration.
Help for what? piezo/piezo pads can do rimshots thru third zone or can do that head and rim can be played simultaneously without rimshots turned on. Precision rectifier is answer on second question why tom1 and tom3 have different results with same pad and conf.in MDM (i thought that tom 3 had p.r. but no). I have asked two questions.
If you have some suggestion you are free to write, this is your forum.
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