DIY Cymbal with Touch-Choke

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DIY Cymbal with Touch-Choke

Postby Nepo » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:21 am

Hey Guys,
I'm still looking for a simple diy choke system and see this vid.

Unfortunately my portuguese is very closely to my japanese....I ' understood nada.

I followed the pics and saw that this guy replace the switch to an open foil only.
(the foil on the plate don't look like a switch)

Could somebody explain me what he did.
(for my rooky electrical knowledge is that unlogic for me)

When it works its the simplest choke system I ever seen before.

Tx in advance for your statement.

Last edited by Nepo on Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby ignotus » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:25 am

I used to have a choke made like that: just a metal contact (foil, copper...) connected to ring, no contact wire to ground, no switch to close. Then, set edge to switch and find a threshold value where just touching the contact produces aftertouch messages. A strange effect was that sometimes the edge triggers when you hit it, when theoretically it shouldn't (there's no switch closing). The workaround is to set the edge note, curve, highlevel etc. to the same as the bow note.
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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby Nepo » Mon Feb 01, 2016 10:33 am

Aah, ok I misunderstand your cymbal solution.

I thought you use a switch on the edge.

Ok, for my experimental:
When I connect a cable to ring and touch the blanked end of this, the signal will stop as a choke?


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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby ignotus » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:15 am

My latest cymbals use switches; previous ones were single zone and had a choke that worked by just touching the metal contact with your hand, yes.
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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby airflamesred » Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:21 pm

ignotus wrote:My latest cymbals use switches; previous ones were single zone and had a choke that worked by just touching the metal contact with your hand, yes.

And are there pros and cons to either method?

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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby ignotus » Wed Feb 03, 2016 6:07 pm

airflamesred wrote:And are there pros and cons to either method?
Well, a cymbal with a "touch choke" is dead easy to make and the choke has no moving parts and is therefore unbreakable, but it can only be single zone + choke. Or 2 zone + choke if you make a mechanical switch for the bell, but you can't have an edge trigger.

With mechanical switches you can get more zones on the cymbal, but the downside is that at some point in the future (hopefully the distant future...) it will fail and will need repairing/replacing.

For single zone cymbals the touch choke is a great solution, but when I made my new batch of cymbals I wanted them to be at least 2 zone with an edge trigger, so that's why they all have switches.
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Re: DIY Cymbal with Touch-Choke

Postby Nepo » Fri Feb 05, 2016 8:15 am

yesterday I tested this choke solution on my crash1 (no name brass).

Crash connected to ring> Piezo/Piezo setting (Piezo/Switch has no effect)

It works, but as ignotus wrote> I got unwanted random triggers:

1. when I hit the crash successively ~6-10 are ok, between one uncontrolled choke (one too much)

2. I have two toms which colours are orange instead of blue in MDM, I never solve this "problem" because it works regardless.
But now when I hit one of this orange toms I got one choke trigger each time > strange

I'm not an electronic nerd , but I suspect the crash works like an antenna in the current solution.

Anyway, I think I go to a mechanical switch because it seems to be the better system.

When anybody have an idear for the "orange" toms , please give me feedback.

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Re: DIY Cymbal with Touch-Choke

Postby Nepo » Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:13 am

Hello ,
I eliminate my "orange color " problem while I use two other sockets in my MD and the touch choke
works fine.
No false trigger anymore.
When this works fine furthermore I will change my other cymbals to this system.


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Re: DIY Cymbal with choke

Postby meshuggah140 » Wed Jan 31, 2018 5:08 am

ignotus wrote:My latest cymbals use switches; previous ones were single zone and had a choke that worked by just touching the metal contact with your hand, yes.

Please explain the wiring to this for roland module. I need this for crashes. The choke is the only thing i miss.
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