The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:36 am

I *really* wish I could understand what you're saying when you post. :oops:
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby rockdude » Sat Nov 07, 2009 6:17 am

Since I can't attach a 6.9MB file, here is a link to where you can download the sample track:

Very acoustic sounding drums fuzzysnuggleduck. I must say that I didn't think they were vst based when I listened. Most of the time it's pretty easy to hear the difference between "real" drums and vst drums. Vst tend to sound very clean and the snares often lack dynamics and the extra snap and brightness that a "real" snare has at certain strikes. Your drums sounded very smooth, raw, warm and acoustic...they sounded for real :)

Here's one inspired by you lot. ... 2009-08-20
All the best, Jim.

Very nice one Ken (Pete)! I especially like the vocals. Who's singing?

If you'd like to add what hardware, software and tools you use to produce the track, that would be great.

Yes more of this please. It doesn't have to be an extensive list of everything used when recording, but at least the drum vst and the samples.

Thanks for all the great sounding tunes so far! Keep em coming!
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby Pete Predictable » Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:58 pm

I mean to say your tune had a repeated chord progression with a disturbance or interruption of the regular flow of rhythm; a placement of rhythmic stresses or accents where they wouldn't normally occur - not like Krautrock at all.

I think your band sounds good fuzzysnuggleduck :o
Pete Predictable
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby Pete Predictable » Sun Nov 08, 2009 2:01 am

rockdude wrote:Who's singing?

Ah yes, the smooth yet gravelly tones of Mr Wheelbarrow.
Pete Predictable
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby rockdude » Sun Nov 08, 2009 10:17 am

Ah yes, the smooth yet gravelly tones of Mr Wheelbarrow.

Jeff Barradale?
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Fri Nov 20, 2009 11:51 pm

Here's another track. You all can tell me to shut up and stop spamming this crap anytime you feel like it! ;)

This one is more song-focused. First of all, it's not a jam as it's not live. The drums, bass and guitars were all tracked individually. I dunno if that makes it any "better" but it certainly doesn't necessarily make me any better of a drummer!
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby Ken Forgettable » Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:44 am

That track is screaming out for a vocal to counterpoint the rif on the second chorus and beyond :arrow: ...
rockdude wrote:Jeff Barradale?
Umm - I wonder what his sister is doing now?
Ken Forgettable
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Re: The "Post tracks you've made with MegaDrum" Thread!

Postby rockdude » Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:23 am

Umm - I wonder what his sister is doing now?

The truth it out there

....I think she's making muffins though.
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