Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:44 pm

Hey, first of all thanks for this synthex. It's a wonderful project to try before doing megadrum.

I've just finished soldering my autonomous interface, wrote it with winpic and a serial cable and the 10k resistors, it verified the data, said everything was succesful. I was really happy =)

But now windows won't recognize the usb device. Any ideas what could have gone wrong?

I have used version 2 of the firmware. The ic never got hot or warm. It just seemed everything was ok.

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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:31 am

well, after reading a couple of topics I've followed suggestions and re-read the pic memory, it gave me only zeroes... so I guess there was something wrong recording... can't figure out what though.
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby Synthex » Wed Mar 12, 2008 7:00 am

milk wrote:Hey, first of all thanks for this synthex. It's a wonderful project to try before doing megadrum.

Thanks a lot ;)

milk wrote:I've just finished soldering my autonomous interface, wrote it with winpic and a serial cable and the 10k resistors, it verified the data, said everything was succesful. I was really happy =)

But now windows won't recognize the usb device. Any ideas what could have gone wrong?

I have used version 2 of the firmware. The ic never got hot or warm. It just seemed everything was ok.


Have you tried it with another computer ?
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:33 am


well, I couldn't find any other pc with serial port to test it with...

I tested my ICSP cable and found one of the cables was busted, i replaced that, and now instead of getting all 0's when I read the chip I get all F's... Still can't record, it just records (apparently) all F's

I'm asking my friends to see if someone has a pc with serial port, but it seems everyone is on a laptop nowadays...

I tried reading the 26-27-28 pins with a tester and found that checking or unchecking the vpp, etc. options did not change the readings and they where 0.27, 0.01, 0.01 respectively (testing with ground on what is connected to pin 8 (which I guess is ground)
I also found that my usb is giving 4.79v instead of 5v maybe that's a problem?
maybe my tester is too cheap... :cry:

if you have an idea why I would get all F's tell me please, otherwise I'll post as soon as I get another computer to try and program.

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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby Synthex » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:44 am

What is your operating system ?

milk wrote:I also found that my usb is giving 4.79v instead of 5v maybe that's a problem?

No, that's not a problem.
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:23 am

That computer is windows xp sp2, I also have a mac and a linux box (neither of them have serial ports)

I am programming with winpic...
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:01 am

o, I was confusing the pinouts

here are my readings:

VPP on/off pin 26: 5.00/-0.66
Clock on/off pin 27: 4.49/-0.60
Data on/off pin 28: 0.18/0.12 and then later 0.20/0.28

maybe there's something wrong with pin 28?

edit 1: pin 28 reads 3.78/-0.6 now, guess it was a false contact before
Last edited by milk on Sat Mar 15, 2008 5:10 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Sat Mar 15, 2008 4:34 am

pin 20 has 3.76 when not programming and drops to 1.78 while programming
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby Synthex » Sat Mar 15, 2008 10:00 am

Could you make a test with WinPic800 ?

Have you seen this topic :

Where do you live ?
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Re: Autonomous USB MIDI interface

Postby milk » Sat Mar 15, 2008 12:21 pm

Synthex wrote:Could you make a test with WinPic800 ?

I just did that, I still get all F's (I checked the fuse flags and are equal to yours)

yes, I've been reading it, I'll try downloading mplab next, then another pc, and then I'll try making a new lvp programmer with a different cable, and if that doesn't work I'll see if I can get another pic.

Where do you live ?

Buenos Aires, Argentina!
you are from France, right?
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