thanks for answers.
Well i'm not sure i understood what a stand alone sampler is. Could you please give me more pecisions on how it works and about the differences with a normal sampler? (I guess that what I call a normal sampler is actually a stand alone i. e. this is what i call a normal sampler
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Akai_MPC2000.jpg )
Anyway, i'm not sure i understood how all these e-drumming stuff works either can you stop if i am wrong please?
so first i have the instrument which is a PVC pipe + piezzo + jack plugged in.
When I'll hit the surface it's gonna send an electric signal via the jack to the Midi to trigger.
In that case this "Midi-to-trigger" will be the Mega Drum. Mega drum understand the electric signal and translate it as a MIDI partition and then send it to the sampler.
By the way can I use any virtual sampler? As a stand alone sampler seems pretty expensive I'm finally looking for a free virtual sampler and felt on this one:
http://vemberaudio.se/shortcircuit.phpWhat do you guys think about it? will it works?
So finally the sampler recieve the MIDI partition and so the sound corresponding would get out.
Am I on the good way to manage my project or do i have not understood anything?
Please help, There's a lot of informations (in english moreover) and i don't know where to start my research.
Best regards,