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Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:07 pm
by Chokola
Hi guys!

Well, I'm about to make an electronic pipe drum. The thing is... I'm not into electronic at all. And E-drums etheir by the way.
So I was like, if I connect my instrument to MegaDrum using samples of pipe drums from my computer I guess it will work, right?
Now, How not to use a computer?
I mean, i would like my instrument to work itself like a basic electronic piano Yamaha would do.

Thanks fo reading this and sorry for my rusty english


Re: Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:18 pm
by dmitri
I guess something like a standalone sound sampler with pipe drum samplers or ability to load such samples will work.

Re: Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 7:25 pm
by Chokola
Hem sorry i'm not that familiar with all those equipments this is fairly new for me.
What do you call a stand alone sampler?

Re: Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Thu Aug 08, 2013 9:56 pm
by dmitri
E.g. MPC 5000. See ... th-356009/ (just googled it).
An iPad with a sampling app, e.g. Garageband, can be viewed as such.

Re: Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 2:48 pm
by Chokola

thanks for answers.
Well i'm not sure i understood what a stand alone sampler is. Could you please give me more pecisions on how it works and about the differences with a normal sampler? (I guess that what I call a normal sampler is actually a stand alone i. e. this is what i call a normal sampler )
Anyway, i'm not sure i understood how all these e-drumming stuff works either can you stop if i am wrong please?
so first i have the instrument which is a PVC pipe + piezzo + jack plugged in.
When I'll hit the surface it's gonna send an electric signal via the jack to the Midi to trigger.
In that case this "Midi-to-trigger" will be the Mega Drum. Mega drum understand the electric signal and translate it as a MIDI partition and then send it to the sampler.
By the way can I use any virtual sampler? As a stand alone sampler seems pretty expensive I'm finally looking for a free virtual sampler and felt on this one:
What do you guys think about it? will it works?
So finally the sampler recieve the MIDI partition and so the sound corresponding would get out.
Am I on the good way to manage my project or do i have not understood anything?
Please help, There's a lot of informations (in english moreover) and i don't know where to start my research.

Best regards,


Re: Electronic Pipe drum on MD

PostPosted: Sun Aug 11, 2013 4:34 pm
by airflamesred
'Shortcut', In the first paragraph it states that this is no longer supported, you'll be wasting your time with this.
What sort of samples do you want? drums, ethnic percussion. Maybe try