Introduce Yourself. :)

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby iampoor » Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:43 pm

Thought I would start a topic like this..There usually pretty interesting.

I personally like building electronic things and playing drums.
I also run a Pc review site. (htpp:// Only the forums work now haha)
What about you?
Last edited by iampoor on Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:51 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: What like to do?

Postby Juze » Mon Jul 14, 2008 8:52 pm


I like playing drums&guitar. And I like to hang outside with friends ie. Swimming, jumping on a trampoline, just hanging outdoors. :P
But yes, I'm quite much on computer, when I'm home :P

-Juze aka Ghroath
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Location: Mikkeli, Finland, Europe

Re: What like to do?

Postby iampoor » Mon Jul 14, 2008 9:06 pm

Juze wrote:well...

I like playing drums&guitar. And I like to hang outside with friends ie. Swimming, jumping on a trampoline, just hanging outdoors. :P
But yes, I'm quite much on computer, when I'm home :P

-Juze aka Ghroath

Hah yes, I'm always on the computer as well.
Do you like finland?
And is it true that everyone there likes Black Metal?
I know...your probablly thinking I'm a dumb American, which to an extent, I am. LOL
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Re: What like to do?

Postby cwb » Tue Jul 15, 2008 12:56 pm

I tinker with electronics from time to time.

I'm primarily a guitarist. Built my first effects units from scratch since I didn't have the money to buy commercial ones back then.

I also tinker with the keyboards, bass and drums.

I run a project home recording studio from time to time.

I also tinker around with the PC, both hardware and software.

Recreationally, I go wakeboarding as often as I'm able to.

I run this site:

I hope to build the megadrum soon and see what I can do on the software end. ;)
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Re: What like to do?

Postby Juze » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:41 pm

iampoor wrote:Hah yes, I'm always on the computer as well.
Do you like finland?
And is it true that everyone there likes Black Metal?
I know...your probablly thinking I'm a dumb American, which to an extent, I am. LOL

Yes, I do like Finland. But this summer has disappointed me, because of bad weather.
About that black metal... I think you've messed-up Finland and Norway. Norway is "famous" for it's black metal-bands/-culture. But, it's almost possible to "walk" in to norway from here, where I live, _only_ like 1000 kilometers to the norway border. I don't think you as dumb American. Actually, no-one knows anything about Finland, except "The Dudesons", MIGHT have spread the word about finland.

Well, I have written quite long "story", actually it's all true. But kinda bull-s**t. :D

-Juze aka Ghroath
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Location: Mikkeli, Finland, Europe

Re: What like to do?

Postby iampoor » Tue Jul 15, 2008 9:56 pm

Juze wrote:
iampoor wrote:Hah yes, I'm always on the computer as well.
Do you like finland?
And is it true that everyone there likes Black Metal?
I know...your probablly thinking I'm a dumb American, which to an extent, I am. LOL

Yes, I do like Finland. But this summer has disappointed me, because of bad weather.
About that black metal... I think you've messed-up Finland and Norway. Norway is "famous" for it's black metal-bands/-culture. But, it's almost possible to "walk" in to norway from here, where I live, _only_ like 1000 kilometers to the norway border. I don't think you as dumb American. Actually, no-one knows anything about Finland, except "The Dudesons", MIGHT have spread the word about finland.

Well, I have written quite long "story", actually it's all true. But kinda bull-s**t. :D

-Juze aka Ghroath

oh ok, thanks.
What kind of music is popular in Finland then? Yes, I definitly mixed them up hehe.
Yes, I have seen the dudesons too, those guys are awesome. :mrgreen:
And as far as the dumb American cooment, I was just kidding, I tend to say that...(Forgettin that no one else will get it hehe) Even thought its a joke only my friends get (REALLY long story). :D

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Re: What like to do?

Postby Juze » Tue Jul 15, 2008 10:20 pm

I don't actually know, what music is popular. I think something like Rock-pop :D. And in "youth-community" rap-music has "risen" again. I can't stand that. I only listen to metal music, mostly black and death metal.
Yes, dudesons are great. My 2 friends have saw them here in Mikkeli. :P

Yea, maybe I should go sleeping and not post this s**t. :D (Joke, but I should go sleeping)

PS. Hey, btw. This should maybe be more like "Introduce yourself" than "What like to do?"

-Juze aka Ghroath
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Location: Mikkeli, Finland, Europe

Re: What like to do?

Postby iampoor » Wed Jul 16, 2008 12:53 am

Juze wrote:I don't actually know, what music is popular. I think something like Rock-pop :D. And in "youth-community" rap-music has "risen" again. I can't stand that. I only listen to metal music, mostly black and death metal.
Yes, dudesons are great. My 2 friends have saw them here in Mikkeli. :P

Yea, maybe I should go sleeping and not post this s**t. :D (Joke, but I should go sleeping)

PS. Hey, btw. This should maybe be more like "Introduce yourself" than "What like to do?"

-Juze aka Ghroath

SUggestion taken. :D

Hey man, if you think its bad you will not stand the USA musci scene..
Lots of RAP (Its targeted at WHite kids now thats how sellout it is..) and lots of pop-unk (Like Fall-out-boy)
The most popular metal bands here are prtetty bad too, real metal is from Europe I swear man, I love metal as well. :)
Nothing like some Cryptopsy and Behemoth. :mrgreen:
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby dcho » Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:42 pm

I'm here to revive a dying thread cuz I like the idea of getting to know more ofthe community. I'm a guitarist who's interested in learning drums and happened to stumble on the vdrums website one day. I'm currently working on my DIY electric triggers and the megadrum.
I hope to use my guitar/drumming abilities in leading praise at church and just jamming with other musicians.
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby CairnsFella » Thu Aug 28, 2008 12:38 am

Hi all,

I thought I would contribute to this thread. I apologise in advance as I do tend to go on a bit.

I am an English guy living in Australia (about 4 years now).

Daft as it may sound, I would not class myself as a musician at all.. though I have been into making music for many years. In england I put together a small home studio, and ultimately collected a good selection of rack processors, a couple of synths a sampler, and electric piano, monitoring and PA gear, several basses (my main instrument if I had to say anything was) a couple of six strings, some percussion stuff, some now truly outmoded gear (like minidisc multitrack) and sundries (miles of cabling, mikes etc). Mostly PC based my drums were done using the PC or my old SR16.

It took me a couple of years to get my gear shipped out here, but now I am setting it all back up, and my interest in the megadrum project was born out of my desire to have a full "bands worth" of playable gear, and all I needed were some physical drums.

Cashflow not being what it was when I was back in london, the DIY route was very appealing, so I have now completed the fantastic megadrum kit (though yet to box it up... and really I need to redo the wiring).. and I have made a few pads and - nearly - one mult zone cymbal (that may end up having to be a multi cymbal cymbal.. if you understand what I mean.

Thats about it for me.

I am a bit embarassed about the quality of my kit, but perhaps one day after a few beers I will post some intentionally fuzzy pics of what I have made so far.

Cheers all.
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