Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

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Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

Postby elrules » Sat Apr 12, 2008 2:56 am

Hi all, I have been thinking that having a metronome built in megadrum would be easy (I think) and could be a good feature.

A lot of times I sit in front of my e-snare to only practice hand technique exercises. To do them I need to listen to a metronome. Now I do it with my roland module, but I plan to replace it with megadrum. I know megadrum can only sound woth a computer, and if you turn on the computer you can have a software metronome. But it would be great if you could avoid running the PC to only practice. Maybe it could be achieved with a simple buzzer, or two different ones (one to mark first beat and other for the rest)

Maybe it is an stupid idea...

What do you think?
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Re: Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

Postby Beamtreetaker » Sun Apr 13, 2008 1:54 pm

I think this would be a great feature! It would spare me from running to my host computer every time I need to change the click bpm when practicing.

My proposal is that Megadrum would send a midi note x times per minute. The note itself, the midi channel and the frequency (bpm = x) would be configurable. Also it would be great to have 2 different notes to choose (or/and maybe velocities) to differntiate the first click of a bar from the others. Therefore also the bar length should be adjustable (4 = 4/4, 3 = 3/4, 11 = 11/12..dream theater style :lol:).
The metronome could be accessed by pressing the down key when in VU meter mode for example, to not overload the menu.
Hmm, absolutely fantastic would also be a tap function!

So, +1 from my side for elrules' idea! It also should not be too hard to implement I think.

Reading elrules' post a 2nd time I now see that he's talking about an internal speaker kind of metronome. My thought about this is that digital practice metronomes are so cheap and handy, that at least I would not think about modifying my Megadrum to have that feature internally. What do others think?
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Re: Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

Postby elrules » Sun Apr 13, 2008 2:48 pm

I'll search the web to see how much does a metronome cost. Maybe it is better to buy one. Anyway, you can use a pad to tap the tempo. You must configure the host to have that midi note linked to the tap function. In Cubase and Ableton Live it is pretty simple

Edit: i looked for a metronome at and they cost at least 20 euros.
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Re: Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

Postby Beamtreetaker » Sun Apr 13, 2008 10:34 pm

Ah I didn't know about this DAW tapping functionality and I'm not sure yet if my favorized software (reaper) also supports this feature but thanks for the hint, that would make my suggestion redundant.
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Re: Megadrum feature request: built-in metronome

Postby dm9876 » Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:42 am

>My proposal is that Megadrum would send a midi note x times per minute. The note itself, the midi channel and the frequency (bpm = x) would be configurable.

not really needed if you have PC anyway since you can do it in software. But you may like midibox which could do what you want.. basically its a diy midi sequencer.
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