On board sounds

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: On board sounds

Postby ohawker » Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:33 am

Good point about the ISA :) and don't dis FM! ;) Yeah fair point about making one, wouldn't have much practical use (or much of a market ;)). I'll just stick to vst for the moment!

As i said earlier theres a chance a free drum sampler may slowly find its way into the community :) but i was wondering, does anyone know where to get any decent free drum samples without raiding battery 3? ;) i can find basic oneshot samples, but where can i find nice ones, i.e. Velocity layers, stereo and at least 48k? :)

Also, anyone seen a DIY audio interface? I don't have the cash to fork out for an 8in 8out rackmount commercial one, but studio is growing and so is the demand for audio ports!
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Re: On board sounds

Postby dmitri » Mon Jun 30, 2008 4:44 pm

If you really need drum sounds without using a PC it is more financially viable to buy something like this:
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :IT&ih=009
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :IT&ih=006
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :IT&ih=012
http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ... :IT&ih=012

and then break out sound generation internals plus control buttons and an LCD(if present) and combine them with a MIDI Drum trigger of your choice. Imho, a DIY drum synthesizer is just not practical.
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Re: On board sounds

Postby ohawker » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:28 pm

Possibly, although from my experience of using these, the sound quality isn't that great, not worthy of MegaDrum anyway ;) I'm only thinking for live performance where VST could be unreliable, or in studios where everything is centered around one PC, and anything that can save a little CPU time is brilliant ;)

I remember seeing a DIY kit on youtube somewhere, and I think the guy said he built a sound module for it, although I can't find the video again! I will track him down and have a word with him :)

I just think that on-board sounds would give MegaDrum a real edge over its competitors :) and not only that, it would probably encourage more people to build megadrum than buy a professional unit? I mean, MegaDrum is incredibly functional as it is; I had a play on some expensive Roland drum computer in my local music shop, and although it had the typical Roland fancy stuff, as far as Trigger > MIDI goes, MegaDrum kicked it ;)

Anyway, I'm not a microcontroller programmer, so (much as I would like to ;)) I can't volunteer to write firmware for or develop a hardware version of Battery 3! However I will do what I can to find out what the internet has to offer, and look into developing something, and get back to anyone who's interested with any findings! ;)

And btw, I'm not pushing for anyone to put any more work or effort in, I'm still amazed by the dedication of everyone on this forum!

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Re: On board sounds

Postby ohawker » Tue Jul 29, 2008 9:28 am

OK forget that, he was using sounds on a hidden keyboard ;)

I'll think and get back to everyone.
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Re: On board sounds

Postby der Papst » Thu Aug 20, 2009 11:34 am

I think it's possible to make something like that, but forget small µControllers like ATMega or PIC...

You could build a small "computer" with an Ti OMAP (very powerfull arm-based 32bit-cpu with much stuff integrated) running Linux as OS and a Software-Synthesizer on it, for example Hydrogen.

But i don't know very well samples for hydrogen :(
der Papst
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Re: On board sounds

Postby dmitri » Thu Aug 20, 2009 12:11 pm

der Papst wrote:You could build a small "computer" with an Ti OMAP (very powerfull arm-based 32bit-cpu with much stuff integrated) running Linux as OS and a Software-Synthesizer on it, for example Hydrogen.

IMHO, this is the thinking in the right direction. And this is why I bought http://www.developmentboard.net/index.p ... LCD/info/1 to do some research in spare time from the spare :D time use for MegaDrum development.
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Re: On board sounds

Postby Ken Forgettable » Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:04 pm

dmitri wrote:... thinking in the right direction. And this is why I bought http://www.developmentboard.net/index.p ... LCD/info/1 to do some research in spare time from the spare :D time use for MegaDrum development.
Putting a MAX812 reset chip (as used in the above) on the existing Megadrum design would be a good start - I'd have more smilies too ;¬\
Ken Forgettable
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Re: On board sounds

Postby dmitri » Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:14 pm

Ken Forgettable wrote:
dmitri wrote:... thinking in the right direction. And this is why I bought http://www.developmentboard.net/index.p ... LCD/info/1 to do some research in spare time from the spare :D time use for MegaDrum development.
Putting a MAX812 reset chip (as used in the above) on the existing Megadrum design would be a good start

I'm sure you did it in your MegaDrum board.
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Re: On board sounds

Postby Ken Forgettable » Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:32 pm

dmitri wrote:
Ken Forgettable wrote:
dmitri wrote:... thinking in the right direction. And this is why I bought http://www.developmentboard.net/index.p ... LCD/info/1 to do some research in spare time from the spare :D time use for MegaDrum development.
Putting a MAX812 reset chip (as used in the above) on the existing Megadrum design would be a good start

I'm sure you did it in your MegaDrum board.
... couldn't get the emulator to work!
[off topic] I have had the PIC corrupt twice now. WinPIC says it was OK and XP enumerated OK but until it was erased and re-flashed there was NOWT [/off topic]
Ken Forgettable
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Re: On board sounds

Postby dmitri » Thu Aug 20, 2009 2:48 pm

Ken Forgettable wrote:[off topic] I have had the PIC corrupt twice now. WinPIC says it was OK and XP enumerated OK but until it was erased and re-flashed there was NOWT [/off topic]

Don't worry, you're almost always off topic on any topic ;)
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