I've been busy on the "MegaDrum + VST sampler" project (which I'm calling "DrumHead"), and have the core hardware configured and running. I'm using an Intel motherboard and 2.5 GHz dual-core processor with 4 GB of RAM, and an Asus Xonar 7-channel sound card. I selected a HAMI 8-inch LCD touchscreen that fits quite nicely onto the front of the off-the-shelf case I'm using (and it dirt cheap). The current configuration a generous (270W) power supply (which could be smaller) and 500 GB hard drive (which could be replaced with flash RAM for $$$).
The idea is that the front panel be all touchscreen (since the system will boot into the VST player), but that the rear panel allow the connection of a mouse, keyboard, or external CD-ROM (i.e., it doesn't look like a computer at first). I also made a holder so I can mount it on my Roland rack just like a TD-20.
The rear panel has all the trigger inputs (like a MegaDrum), as well as 6-channel output, mix input, headphone output and mix/phone levels. In addition, it has the usual computer I/O for USB (for installing software), Ethernet, MIDI, TOSLINK, etc.
The figures below show the status of the current prototype.
The last month I've been busy with another project, but did get to start working on a stand-alone RT-Linux-based VST player (based on JUCE & WINE, nice pun here) that'll play a Windows VST (such as BFD or any of the Kontakt-based drum samplers), and on the circuit board layout for a custom MegaDrum-like trigger processor that will suit my needs (like multiple hi-hats, various foot switches and CV pedals, etc.). I'll have 2 boards: one with all the I/O plugs, and one daughter card with the muxes and Atmel processor, which is connected to the PC by a serial line (faster than MIDI, and lower latency & jitter--a big goal). (At present I'm using a MegaDrum via MIDI, though.)
The hard part here isn't the main computer configuration or the trigger processor hardware, but (a) the analog I/O circuitry (getting clean sound out of the box), and (b) writing the embedded software for the trigger processing (necessary since there's no access to the MegaDrum software source code--I've asked).
If anyone has experience with either of these items, I'd most appreciate some assistance. I do have a basic input scanning loop and trigger processor running, but there's a lot more to it than that...
My (current) plan is to give away all the parts lists and plans, and also to sell the completed kits. I have a lengthy document with a competitive analysis, project/product description, etc., but am currently requiring a non-disclosure agreement to distribute (it in order to keep my options open--I hope you all understand). I've posted the list of parts and more details in the discussion on VDrumsForum (http://vdrums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=47705).
Here are the latest docs:
Updated system overview
The components plugged in and running BFD (on Windows XP)
The components in the chassis (disk & power supply on the bottom; motherboard mounted on a special jig above them)
The (repainted) touch screen mounted on the front of the chassis (see the MegaDrum at the top of the photo)
The rear panel (made by FrontPanelExpress)
Actual rear panel photo
Comments are welcome...
Stephen Pope