MCT 1.82 Interface issue

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MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby rockdude » Fri Jun 25, 2010 6:40 am

I've downloaded and installed MCT 1.82 ( ... loads/list)
It works pretty good but the layout is not aligned as you can see below (it get's messy when trying to change anything since it's hard to see which box the value belongs to:
Am I the only one experiencing this or is it something that has happened since MCT development stopped and more features have been added to MegaDrum?

I'm on win 7 64bit
Synthex 3.1 56input
Firmware 20100618
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby rockdude » Sat Jun 26, 2010 5:58 pm

Hmm I just realized that the latest version is 1.83, but that version is not available for download(only 1.8 and 1.82) and I can't use the web version java install on my win 7 64 system so there's no way for me to get hold of the 1.83 version. Is there anyone out there with the MCT 1.83 who can send me that version so I can try it and see if it fixes my problems? Elrules?
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby rockdude » Tue Jun 29, 2010 7:20 am

I managed to get the 1.83(now available for download) version of MCT and it fixed my problems.
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby Maylord.war » Sun Sep 05, 2010 12:48 am


i have the 1.84b but i have the same problem.. :roll:
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dschrammie » Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:50 pm

I don't have this problem, just downloaded MCT about 2 weeks ago. The problem that I'm having is that it's not retrieving settings from Megadrum nor is it sending any updated settings. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding something, but when I make a change on the MD, and then click "Load settings from Megadrum", I assumed that the settings as shown in MCT would change to reflect the changes I just made on the MD...right? Or when I make setting changes in MCT and click "Send settings to Megadrum", I'd expect that if I go through the menus on the MD it should reflect the changes that I made in MCT. Well, that's not happening at all.
The only thing that MCT has been able to tell me as of right now is strike velocity. So I know that there's at least some communication happening between MD and MCT.
Any thoughts?
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dmitri » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:32 pm

Does MIDI LED light up when you send settings from MCT to MegaDrum?
Does MIDI LED light up when you load settings from MegaDrum to MCT?
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dschrammie » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:59 pm

dmitri wrote:Does MIDI LED light up when you send settings from MCT to MegaDrum?
Does MIDI LED light up when you load settings from MegaDrum to MCT?

Nope. Just when I strike a pad/drum.
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dmitri » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:04 pm

Than MIDI data don't come through from MCT to MegaDrum. Possible reasons.
1. Incorrect MIDI port settings in the MCT configuration.
2. MCT incompatibility with Windows 7
3. Problem on the MegaDrum board.
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dschrammie » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:13 pm

dmitri wrote:Than MIDI data don't come through from MCT to MegaDrum. Possible reasons.
1. Incorrect MIDI port settings in the MCT configuration.
2. MCT incompatibility with Windows 7
3. Problem on the MegaDrum board.

Okay...I'll have to check on those tonight when I get home from work.

1. Incorrect MIDI port settings on MCT > I only have one MIDI input device (Layla DAC sound card) so I guess there isn't any way I could get that wrong.
2. MCT incompatibility w/Win 7 > I'm using XP
3. Problem on MegaDrum board > any way to troubleshoot that and find out if that's the case?

I had assumed that since it is registering pad strikes, and the MIDI LED flashes on the MD, that there is MIDI communication happening.
Now, one thing that could very well be the issue is that I don't know what version of Atmega chip the MD has since I got it used (am I using the correct terminology?). So when I first downloaded/installed MCT, I just left it at the default. Is there a way to determine that info without opening up the chassis? would it be the same as the firmware version?
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Re: MCT 1.82 Interface issue

Postby dmitri » Wed Sep 15, 2010 10:42 pm

dschrammie wrote:1. Incorrect MIDI port settings on MCT > I only have one MIDI input device (Layla DAC sound card) so I guess there isn't any way I could get that wrong.

Both In and Out MIDI ports in MCT settings must be MegaDrum USB device (if connected over USB) or standard MIDI ports over which MegaDrum is connected.

2. MCT incompatibility w/Win 7 > I'm using XP

Then it shouldn't be the cause since I and many others use XP with MegaDrum with no such problem.

3. Problem on MegaDrum board > any way to troubleshoot that and find out if that's the case?

I had assumed that since it is registering pad strikes, and the MIDI LED flashes on the MD, that there is MIDI communication happening.
Now, one thing that could very well be the issue is that I don't know what version of Atmega chip the MD has since I got it used (am I using the correct terminology?). So when I first downloaded/installed MCT, I just left it at the default. Is there a way to determine that info without opening up the chassis? would it be the same as the firmware version?

The firmware you load into your MegaDrum must match the Atmega version and its crystal frequency. You either need to find out it by looking at the board or by trying different firmware files until you find one which works.
MCU and Clock selection in MCT settings only has any relevance for updating MegaDrum firmware with MCT.
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