MegaDrum + Jobeky Hardware

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

MegaDrum + Jobeky Hardware

Postby Vi-N-cE » Mon Nov 30, 2009 1:12 pm

Hey guys!

Because I'm new here... first of all let me introduce myself!

My name is Manuel, i'm from Germany, 24 years old...
Normally I play guitar and "try" to sing in my band!
But i although love to play drums!
At the moment I'm using a Tama Rockstar Acoustic-Set in my parents house!
But the following next weeks/months i'll have my own flat...

I need an Edrum!!! :)

so... my decision almost felt on:
- megaDrum
- Jobeky Drumset
- Native Sounds via Superior Drummer 2.0, BFD or something else!? I don't know exactly yet!

I'm a "newbe" in all of it!

I hope some of you can give some positive or negative feedback/advices/tips about this combination!?

-----> Maybe it will be a new Help-/Experience-Topic for all JOBEKY-MEGADRUM-USER's too <----

so... let's get it started!!!


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Re: MegaDrum + Jobeky Hardware

Postby Vi-N-cE » Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:13 pm

Hi all...

It seems I am the only one who WILL use MegaDrum with a Jobeky-Drumset???

well... some weeks later...

Synthex's Kit is on the way! Hope I'll get it this week!
Since yesterday my white Jobeky-Kit with black chrome lugs is officially ordered...

So... i hope in January i can drum the first time on it!

Now i only have to decide which Software i'll choose!?

Well... maybe there is someone out there who use Jobeky too...
If it is so... please let me know!

thx for reading so far...

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Re: MegaDrum + Jobeky Hardware

Postby ile » Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:12 pm


I don't have Jobeky but with google I found something: ... 10&p=13943

I've been doing my A to E conversion for a few days now, and I can say that it involves a lot of tuning (MD parameters as well as some drum tuning). I think it would be a lot better if Jobeky did this tuning by themselves, then they could see that everything worked as intended.

A quote from that url I gave:
If you're using a Megadrum, I guess you'll soon realise that any sort of mesh head kit will send signals that are way too hot for the Megadrum and you'll have to add resistors to each input to lower the signal level.

My experiences are on the contrary though, my mesh heads as a bit cold, I think... I'm using 27mm piezos now and maybe 35mm would have been better. Of course I don't know about Jobeky, but this hot/cold issue seems to vary, and I don't know what makes it vary.
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Re: MegaDrum + Jobeky Hardware

Postby einkahumor » Mon Jul 05, 2010 9:42 pm

I just started using MD so I can't help much there. I have however been using Superior 2.0 with my DDrum kit and have also done a lot of programming with it and can definitely recommend it! It sounds fantastic and is fairly easy to use and it works veeery well with e-drums. You can check out some recordings I've done with SD2 here (warning: harsh lyrics and offensive content, please don't take it personally, it's supposed to be a joke), don't know if your into metal at all but it's what I've got. SD can be used for all kinds of music though, you hear it on the radio every day I think.
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