Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby elrules » Wed Aug 18, 2010 3:07 pm

Ok, for me it is the same, as I will have to learn a new GUI framework anyway :)

What about the IDE, which IDE are you using, I have seen you can use Eclipse, Netbeans, Xcode (in Mac), VC++ (in windows)...

Any preference? I already know how to work in Netbeans and Xcode..

What about the GUI builder?
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby Firelord » Wed Aug 18, 2010 7:36 pm

Personally I do not like Qt. But I have nothing against it except the fact that when I compiled an app and tried to execute it from the release folder it wouldn't launch. Of course, this was most likely because I did not configure the compiler correctly, but that again — it was one of their demo apps.

Also, the new version of Guitar Pro (maybe someone here knows what I'm talking about) was built upon Qt and it does not support paths with cyrillic characters in them. I can't tell wether its because of a Qt build issue/misconfiguration or poor testing.

That's about all I can say about Qt.

There are several IDE's with built-in GUI builders for wxWidgets. I used wxDev-C++ (Windows). One problem with it is that the interface doesn't always look the same in the builder and when you launch the compiled app.

There is also an app called wxFormBuilder that I found rather neat, but did not have time to work with it yet. And also there's Code::Blocks (Windows, Linux & Mac).
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby aquawicket » Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:48 pm

I use Microsoft Visual Studio to do all of my windows Builds.
XCode to do all of my MAC builds
and KDevelope for all my Linux builds.

I also use CMAKE to easily create a project file for each platform.

Creating a wxWidgets environment
4. Install Visual Studio 2005 or 2008 (Only C++ stuff is needed)
6. Download and install CMake
7. Download wxMSW. Install to C: drive. c:\wxWidgets-2.8.11 etc.
10. Open c:\wxWidgets-2.8.11\build\msw\wx.dsw
11. Set Build type to debug. Select all projects and right click -> properties.
12. Select Configuration Proporties -> C++ -> Code Generation and change Runtime Library to Multi-threaded Debug
13. Set Build type to release. Select all projects and right click -> properties.
14. Select Configuration Proporties -> C++ -> Code Generation and change Runtime Library to Multi-threaded
15. Click Build -> Batch Build and check all debug and release configurations and click Build.
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby aquawicket » Thu Aug 19, 2010 1:09 am

I've put together a blank wxWidgets program with FULL midi input output support.
It allowes you to select multiple input and output devices along with a Midi Monitor window and a Status window to veiw midi messages.
I've included project files for Visual Studio 2008, but project files can be build for other IDE's as well using CMAKE

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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby davem » Sat Aug 21, 2010 12:38 pm

Hi guys,

Sorry for my lack of posts. I've been on holiday for a week and have spent the last week in bed with a nasty cold so I've been pretty incommunicado.

elrules wanted to know about the library so I thought I'd explain what it was all about. Basically it seems like there's a number of applications other than MCT that could be written for MegaDrum, and in my mind it's a huge waste of time and effort to reproduce the relevant MIDI routines over and over again. The idea behind the library (as with all other libraries) is to:

  • provide a simple cross-platform programmatic interface for all of the MegaDrum functions (including firmware updates);
  • be efficient (in terms of latency) and low-profile (in terms of memory usage);
  • most importantly, be dependable!

So at least, that is the idea behind the library.

In terms of Qt vs. wxWidgets... I have pretty much the opposite experience to everyone here, in that I tried wxWidgets briefly but didn't really like it. However, this was a number of years ago now. My main issue is the following:

aquawicket wrote:I use Microsoft Visual Studio to do all of my windows Builds.
XCode to do all of my MAC builds
and KDevelope for all my Linux builds.

My main motivation for Qt was that I know from experience that it's reasonably easy to maintain cross-platform. But if there is a huge demand for wxWidgets then we can go that way. However I would really like to suggest that we do base this on a library as suggested above. Probably I will code this regardless of whether it's decided to go that way or not.

I'll be releasing what I've finished so far in a Mercurial repository later on this evening or tomorrow, so I will post again soon.
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby aquawicket » Sat Aug 21, 2010 2:06 pm

I think if your libmegadrum is C/C++ friendly we can get it coded in within days.
We can link in libmegadrum easy... :D

I know many people can attest to my dedication to eDrum programming for many years.... ;)
I'd be more that happy to help out. :D
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby elrules » Mon Aug 23, 2010 12:37 pm

Ey davem, could it be possible to call methods from your library within the interface of current MCT (Java)?
The idea is to have this library platform independent, and reuse the user interface we have now in java. That is to make a new version of MCT with your library built in for all platforms. Can we do that?

Later, we can start a new project, bigger and fancier. But for now, it makes sense to let current MCT fully working before starting a new thing tha could take us a long time.
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby davem » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:33 pm

Hey elrules,

I'm pretty sure it's possible, although I'd have to give a bit more though to the threading. I can hack together a JNI interface for it. Unfortunately I'm without my MegaDrum at the moment so haven't had a chance to work on the code this week, but I'm going home on Saturday and will be able to pick it up then.

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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby davem » Thu Aug 26, 2010 1:35 pm

aquawicket wrote:I think if your libmegadrum is C/C++ friendly we can get it coded in within days.
We can link in libmegadrum easy... :D

I know many people can attest to my dedication to eDrum programming for many years.... ;)
I'd be more that happy to help out. :D

That's awesome. I'm really hoping to have it done soon... I'm just about to head over to bitbucket and set up an account, I will let you all know the details later.
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Re: Would you like a complete redesign of MCT?

Postby rockdude » Thu Aug 26, 2010 6:40 pm

aquawicket wrote:I think if your libmegadrum is C/C++ friendly we can get it coded in within days.
We can link in libmegadrum easy... :D

I know many people can attest to my dedication to eDrum programming for many years.... ;)
I'd be more that happy to help out. :D

I can attest it for sure Aquawicket! ;)

I'm glad you guys are getting into this.
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