MCT anote &pnote

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MCT anote &pnote

Postby kupooglop » Sat Dec 04, 2010 5:54 pm

Hi, my question is this. If I set the note of a pad using MCT, why doesn't it set anote & pnote as well? MCT only sets mnote & note and then sets anote = pnote = c-1. When I connect my Megadrum to Digital Performer (midi sequencer) and hit the pad, it generates alternating notes (assuming I set the mnote to something other than c-1). Then I have to manually go into Megadrum and reset the note to the value that I originally wanted for mnote, note, anote & pnote. That doesn't really bother me. The thing that bothers me is when I re-connect to MCT, the Megadrum is out of sync. MCT will then reassign anote & pnote = C-1. Then if I go into Megadrum directly and change the notes, MCT will freeze when I try to save any values or write to the slot. Then I have to kill MCT in task manager and restart it. After ping-ponging back & forth for a few tries I can finally get the notes set to the values I want. i.e. getting MCT to load Megadrum's current settings at startup. At this point, I can no longer use MCT to set notes because it will assign c-1 to anote & pnote. This is a big problem when you are trying to score music notation because the alternating notes show up in your music score. Plus it triggers a bunch of rim hits and other weird stuff. This brings to mind another question. What is up with xtalk button? When I press the monitor xtalk button in the MCT midi monitor, it registers every note as having xtalk? This was a source of headache for a few days. After ripping my Megadrum apart dozens of times, cleaning the boards, quadruple checking solders, pulling cleaning & swapping i.c.'s, re-routing the cables, adding shielding, adding pots to my pads (which by the way was a totally awesome thing, voltage dividers made pads so much more cooperative), and hours of scouring the forum, I figured the source of xtalk was somewhere out of the reach of my intellectual grasp. Also, what registers choke? I got one by accident by switching pad jacks while I was hitting the pad. Also about memory slots. My Atmega displays 3 or 4 slots on the Megadrum lcd, but MCT only displays 1 slot. And lastly, I was wondering about the midi note numbering. Megadrum is one octave lower than Digital Performer, my Alesis SR-16, actually all my synths. For example, If I set my kick drum to C 1 in Megadrum, it registers as C 0 in Digital Performer and my synths. This is not a big problem when I use Megadrum to trigger a synth or my sampler, but the Alesis only assigns one note per pad. The work around is to set all notes one octave higher in Megadrum. Oh yeah, Is there any way to change settings in MCT without using the arrows? For instance, if you want to change dynamic level or high level, why can't you use the number keypad to directly enter the number you want? Pressing and holding the arrow key to increase or decrease values can take a while depending on the value you want. Also, is there a way to increase the time the keyboard waits before it goes into "race through the menu" mode? I used these big honkin buttons for my keyboard and apparently Megadrum scans the keyboard faster than the little spring in the button can become "un-pressed". The result is that sometimes I zip past the menu item I want to change. Please do not take these questions as complaints. At this point, I am very impressed with the performance of Megadrum and it's software. When I was banging on the snare drum and it made my guitar start to feedback like a real drumset, I realized that Megadrum is pretty cool. Thanx Dmitri & Elrules
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Re: MCT anote &pnote

Postby dmitri » Sat Dec 04, 2010 6:33 pm

First, it is really very hard to read a text without formatting.

Second, in the firmware versions changes log - viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1075 - it says:

Changes in version 20101016:

9. Because of added new features the current version of MCT (MegaDrum Config Tool) is not compatible with this firmware version.
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