drum machine

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

drum machine

Postby pdab » Thu Dec 16, 2010 4:48 pm

what would be the best drum machine to use for sound module with megadrum.I want variable HH,DZ snare,2 crash w/choke,3 zone Ride,3 DZ toms,and bass drum...Thanks for any input
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Re: drum machine

Postby dschrammie » Tue Jan 18, 2011 4:55 pm

You actually probably need to do a little bit of research to make sure that you know what you're asking. A Megadrum is an interface, specifically a trigger MIDI interface, or TMI. It takes signals from triggers (i.e. drum pads) and converts those signals to MIDI information. MIDI information goes to some piece of equipment that can take that MIDI information and generate appropriate sounds. This piece of equipment may be a computer with a VST program (e.g. Superior 2.0, BFD, Addictive Drums), or it may be a synthesizer, or whatever. Most people use a computer with VST.

So do a lot more reading and research. Get a good base of knowledge of what goes into electronic drumming. Then you can probably generate questions that are more specific and then expect a better chance of getting a good and helpful response.
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Re: drum machine

Postby dmitri » Tue Jan 18, 2011 5:29 pm

I think pdab is just asking about which stand alone drum machines support "variable HH,DZ snare,2 crash w/choke,3 zone Ride,3 DZ toms,and bass drum." As far as I know none of inexpensive drum machines support variable HH or chokes. 2 or 3 zones is just a matter of setting right notes in MEgaDrum matching a drum map of a drum machine.
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