diy midi converter question

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diy midi converter question

Postby jonnyracket » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:52 pm

hello all,
i have a question about midi converters...
i am wondering how difficult it would be to make a box that had drum trigger inputs (1/4" or xlr) and a midi output...
it seems like (please tell if im wrong i dont know much about midi, im an old school punk guy) most drum controllers have a single standard 5 pin input and the higher end ones have the individual inputs.
all i'm looking to do right now is to make a box that has 8-12 inputs, and one output (to go to a drum machine). unless drum machines are product specific for the electronic drum sets they come with, it should be standard... right?

i understand that there would be some electronics involved, thats not really a problem (unless cost prohibitive) as i'm fairly handy with that stuff. just don't know squat about midi...

please tell me you can help or at least steer me the right way (or it's not feasible)...

thanks all,
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Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:42 pm

Re: diy midi converter question

Postby jman 31 » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:09 am

Maybe something like THIS or THIS.
jman 31
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Re: diy midi converter question

Postby jonnyracket » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:32 am

jman 31 wrote:Maybe something like THIS or THIS.

wow, i may have bitten off more than i can chew here...
i was hoping there would be a simple way to take the multiple single-trigger inputs and combine them into a 5-pin midi output. but it looks like the circuit for that requires a microprocessor type setup with programming and what-not...

i'm not sure this is feasible for what im trying to do if its gonna be that complex...


if anyone else knows of a simpler way to accomplish this, i'd appreciate it. but thanks anyways for the info...
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:42 pm

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