I am using a Hart Dynamics E-cymbal 2 hi hat and E-pedal stand. I set it up to work in the default Megadrum channels and came up with the following settings to use with Superior Drummer 2. The settings are based on advice from the forum and bit of trial and error;
Hi Hat Pedal
Type F.Contr
Chck delay 17
Alt in no
CC value 4
Lvl rev no
Soft chick no
Levels auto no
Low level 24
Hi Level 125
Open level 8
Closed level 100
ShrtChckTh 115
LngChckTh 16
HH input 2
all bow notes C1
all edge notes D1
Chick A0
Splsh B0
This seems to work great, articulating the hi hat in superior drummer from full tight closed to full open and excellent ChicK and Splash sensitivity.
Ch02 Hi Hat B
Mnote C1
Note C1
A Note C1
P note C1
Ch 10
special no
Comprlvl 0
lvlshift 0
xtalk 4
xtalk group 0
Threshold 8
Gain 0
Hi level auto no
Hi level 600
retrigger 1
dyn level 6
dyn time 60
min scan 16
dual head yes
Channel 3 Hi Hat E
M Note D1
note D1
A note D1
P note D1
channel 10
special no
comprlvl 0
lvl shift 0
x talk 1
x talk group 0
threshold 30
gain 0
hilevel auto no
hi level 501
retrigger 1
dyn level 6
dyn time 60
min scan 16
type piezo
mb note C-1
b note C-1
ab note C-1
DB note D1
pb note C-1
dual mid point 15
dual mid width 15
Bthreshold X
The bow works great but the edge is really hard to trigger and always triggers the Bow as well. The only way to get a low level edge note is to hit the edge very hard and then you also get a full level Bow note.
I think I may have got these settings badly wrong and would welcome any advice to sort them out.
Many thanks for your help