Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

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Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby timekeeper » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:39 pm

My Megadrum is finished, my DIY pvc rack is ready and my DIY pads from wood and silicone are ready! I am so excited with my gear. Dmitri, you are great man! The only thing that's left is to install a switch in my snare for the rim shots. So my question is which type of switch should I buy?
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:44 pm

timekeeper wrote:My Megadrum is finished, my DIY pvc rack is ready and my DIY pads from wood and silicone are ready! I am so excited with my gear. Dmitri, you are great man! The only thing that's left is to install a switch in my snare for the rim shots. So my question is which type of switch should I buy?

I don't think you can buy it, you will have to make it yourself. Search the forum, there are several topics covering it but as far as I remember DIY piezo/switch designs are for cymbals only. For dual zone pads you most likely have to go with a piezo/piezo design.
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby timekeeper » Thu Jul 14, 2011 4:50 pm

dmitri wrote:I don't think you can buy it, you will have to make it yourself. Search the forum, there are several topics covering it but as far as I remember DIY piezo/switch designs are for cymbals only. For dual zone pads you most likely have to go with a piezo/piezo design.

I've seen someone doing it on youtube, using eDrum, which lacks many functions of your Megadrum. So I bellieve it's doable. I'll give it a try.
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 14, 2011 5:43 pm

timekeeper wrote:
I've seen someone doing it on youtube, using eDrum

Doing what?
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby timekeeper » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:04 pm

dmitri wrote:
timekeeper wrote:
I've seen someone doing it on youtube, using eDrum

Doing what?

He uses piezo/switch for the rim shots. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxeI3fNIsOk Look at 3:50
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby dmitri » Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:17 pm

timekeeper wrote:
dmitri wrote:
timekeeper wrote:
I've seen someone doing it on youtube, using eDrum

Doing what?

He uses piezo/switch for the rim shots. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NxeI3fNIsOk Look at 3:50

It's irrelevant if it is Edrum, MegaDrum, Roland, Yamaha or what else. It is just building a DIY piezo/switch snare is much more trickier than a piezo/piezo snare or a piezo/switch cymbal. Also the plus of using piezo/switch design for cymbals is to support choking. You don't need choking for a snare so I don't see a real need to go for a more difficult design.
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Re: Which type of switch for piezo/switch combo?

Postby timekeeper » Sat Jul 16, 2011 10:10 am

I used a push button like the ones I have on my Megadrum. I connected one end on ground and the other on Ring. Then I went to MDManager and selected Dual or 3way Yamaha and Switch on Type field. The result was as I expected! Every time I press the button and hit my snare, a rim shot is produced. Off course, because of the Midi On Midi Off Reversed issue viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1596 I can't say if it works as expected in real time.
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