Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby mbira » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:01 am

I'd like to take things to the next level with my setup and have an onboard sound module with my own samples. Anyone seen a way to load your own samples onto a General Midi daughteboard, or something similar?
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Re: Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby Bean » Mon Feb 06, 2012 2:21 am

If you have a computer with VST Host then you might try some of the free software out there that allows you to load your own samples. I did play with SuperDrumFX (SDFX) on my PC and loved it, it is a software drum sampler.

I remember a user here on MagaDrum, ignotus, suggested "Hydrogen"

If you dont have a VST Host on your computer then you can seek out a free VST Host and use ASIO4ALL to drive it.

I know this isnt what your question was asking for, However I posted it anyway just in case it becomes helpfull. I myself would love to see a DIY stand alone sound module.

- Bean
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Re: Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby mbira » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:05 am

Yeah, I'm wanting a stand alone sound module. I have my marimbas control synth sounds in Reason with my Megadrum. I'd like to ditch the computer entirely. THIS long thread talks about taking daughterboards from old soundblaster cards and getting the GM sounds that way. I'd like to take it a step farther in DIY and figure out a way to use my own samples...
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Re: Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby Bean » Mon Feb 06, 2012 3:30 am

Right now I looking through my old list of shortcuts from my old PC to see if I can find a link I saved about a DIY open-hardware project that supported DSP chips and Sound Samples on a premade open-hardware portable computer that had no disk drives - USB memory and flash was the media for the OS. It booted off of flash and worked on Lenux. It was just for emulating real acoustic instruments from sound samples. I will post the link when I find my OLD shortcut.

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Re: Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby Bean » Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:57 am

mbira, I know someone was working on a project like this because I ran across it when I was looking at diy pinball circuit's. I no longer have the link because i abandoned that project. I will search the web & see if I locate it again. Eventually I will find it and post it here if someone else doesnt do so before me. It was a cool project because utilized DSP & had MIDI support.

- Bean
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Re: Anyone seen a DIY Sound module project?

Postby mbira » Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:35 am

Thanks, Bean. Interested in learning more! It looks like I may be diving into workign with DSP to make this happen? :oops: :?
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