No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

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No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby michi.333 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 3:40 pm

Hi there!
I have also posted at the reaper-forum, but maybe its a megadrum bug or I can´t see the wood of too many trees (or how the sentence goes).
I have a problem getting the midi of my megadrum recorded into reaper.
The megadrum is connected per usb to the pc.In the Reaper-preferences the megadrum is enabled, I insert a track and choose the megadrum as the midi-input.When the track is armed i get input from the megadrum.But if I press the record button there is no midi activity anymore until I stop the
recording and then reaper gets midi from the megadrum again.
I also have connected a midi keyboard per midi-cabel to my m-audio delta 24/96 and this setup is working (even if connected per usb).
Perhaps somebody here had the same problem and could give me some advice?

I´m operating with winxp,32bit and Reaper v4.23pre12a (but it was the same problem with earlier reaper versions).The latest firmware version is on my megadrum.

Best regards,
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Re: No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby dmitri » Fri Jun 29, 2012 4:48 pm

If you do receive MIDI data from MegaDrum without enabling recording than it's surely not MegaDrum at fault - MegaDrum cannot possibly know if you enabled or disabled recording in Reaper (or any other software).
Are you sure you're not creating a MIDI loop by sending to MegaDrum what you receive from it?
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Re: No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby michi.333 » Fri Jun 29, 2012 5:54 pm

No, I don´t think so.As you can see in my screenshot I have disabled the midi output to megadrum.
And it works with my midi-keyboard, even if connected with usb to the pc.
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Re: No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby everson » Fri Jun 29, 2012 7:00 pm

I`m using reaper with md. have no problems (of that kind) ...
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Re: No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby kupooglop » Fri Jun 29, 2012 10:39 pm

michi.333 wrote:When the track is armed i get input from the megadrum.But if I press the record button there is no midi activity anymore until I stop the
recording and...

I have observed this behavior before. In my case, it was related to the midi channel configurations and how the recording preferences were set in my midi sequencer. It has nothing to do with the midi instruments themselves. Most midi sequencers can be set to "pause" when recording until they receive midi input. One must make sure the midi channel(s) they want recorded is(are) configured properly in one's midi sequencer in order for the pause function to work. If not, then behavior like you described can be observed. The reason the keyboard worked might be because it sends out midi machine control messages that start your sequencer recording midi data.?. :? I need more info to be sure.
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Re: No MIDI from the MegaDrum when recording in REAPER

Postby michi.333 » Sat Jun 30, 2012 11:42 am

V´ger from the reaper-forum has pointed me the right way!
Right-click record-arm button>Monitor track media when recording.
I didn´t have to do that for my midi-keyboard but with the megadrum it seems to work only that way.

Thanks again and have a nice weekend!
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