Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby ibanman555 » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:20 pm

Ok, Things are finally starting to fall into place and operate correctly.

All pads are functional and dynamic, very pleased with them.
Positional Sensing on the pads work great, thanks Dmitri for integrating these options in MDM!
The Roland VH-12 hi hat pedal is responding perfectly, and bow/edge probably can't get any better.

The next issue I've ignored until now is the choking capabilities of my Kit Toys cymbals. I will try to describe my situation in complete detail...

I have 3 chokable KT cymbals, and they aren't the typical switch style you find on most cymbals. These 'switches' are basically PCB board that with the touch of a finger will send a signal. Here is what it looks like...


When metering (+) ring and (-) sleeve (it will only register on the meter with this polarity), it reads infinity when open, and when closed, I get a resistance of around 1130-1250, it's bouncing around.

I've set up these cymbals Type with 'Dual Head' on the bow, and 'Switched' on the rim. It is very touchy with the threshold adjustment on the rim, too low of a setting will not register aftertouch, and too high will constantly register aftertouch. One of the cymbals registers aftertouch once every 10 seconds or so on its own, as a lower setting is too low, but that isn't affecting the play-ability.

If I play for a bit, the cymbals start to automatically choke themselves as I hit the cymbal, and all 3 are doing it, intermittently. Most of the time it will release the choke, but sometimes it stays choked for many seconds. I am noticing this mostly when I am playing the hi hat at the same time, and moving the pedal up and down. I find it strange why this is happening as there is no actual connection on the switch.

It's difficult to diagnose as it truly is extremely intermittent. But it's guaranteed to happen. I also realize I am probably the only person with this style cymbal, but I have faith that this type of switch will be used more in the future, so this is why I'm asking questions. Whatcha think?
Last edited by ibanman555 on Fri Feb 22, 2013 6:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby dmitri » Tue Feb 12, 2013 11:40 pm

On the Edge input raise Gain to ~7-8 and then try to adjust Threshold again. Raising Gain should widen the range of the edge Threshold values for "make"/"break" detection.
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby ibanman555 » Wed Feb 13, 2013 9:27 pm

dmitri wrote:On the Edge input raise Gain to ~7-8 and then try to adjust Threshold again. Raising Gain should widen the range of the edge Threshold values for "make"/"break" detection.

I had tried this once before, and I did notice a wider range you speak of. But I only tried it on one cymbal. I've just been experimenting with what you said, and set all Gains to 8, and adjusted the thresholds accordingly on all three cymbals.

They are triggering well and choking when they should.

I have played for a bit, and they are still triggering aftertouch intermittently when played (and not being intentionally choked). It seems to be happening a little less often now, but still happening none-the-less...

I will do a video of the MIDI Log and also display my MDM settings when I get back from my business trip next week, to give a little more detail on what I am hearing and seeing.
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby airflamesred » Thu Feb 14, 2013 1:09 am

Am I reading this right? Aftertouch as far as keyboards are concerned are to do with velocity after note off - I think. So it then sends note on at 0?

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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby ibanman555 » Thu Feb 14, 2013 5:31 pm

After touch is basically another type of trigger after the initial triggering of pressing a key. In most cases, a particular MIDI program needs to recognize after touch to function correctly. It varies from 0-127 depending on how hard you apply pressure on the key. It would be my understanding that you are correct about MD registering a 'note on' at zero to let MD know you intend to cancel the note, in essence choking the cymbal.
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby airflamesred » Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:56 pm

I'm not sure what it is now, having looked into it. If its sending cc11 this will just drop the volume, I think. How this differs from sending note on=0, I'm not sure - I guess its just cleaner.

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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby dmitri » Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:33 am

Note Off or Note On=0 MIDI messages do not choke (stop) cymbal sounds.
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby ibanman555 » Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:53 am

I like to pretend I know what I'm talking about ;)
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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby airflamesred » Sat Apr 13, 2013 11:31 pm

Did you get this sorted out? Am I right in thinking this is sending cc16?

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Re: Ibanman555 ekit & MegaDrum

Postby ibanman555 » Fri May 03, 2013 11:15 pm

I've been away on business for a good while and haven't troubleshot this in a while. After changing the settings as recommended by Dmitri I was able to fine tune a bit more, but was still having the 'ghost' choking problem. I'm beginning to think is has to do with the Kit Toys circuit being a bit too sensitive within itself, or maybe MD doesn't like about it, causing intermittent problems. I'll be the first to let you know a resolution! Curious if anyone else out there is using KT cymbals with MD and experiencing the same issues :geek:
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