best software synth for assigning positional sensing samples

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best software synth for assigning positional sensing samples

Postby glenn.szymanski » Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:24 pm


i've been using electronic drum pads and samplers since the mid-90s and very simple set ups in the digital world, mostly with Mainstage.

I acquired some cool freeware timpani samples and i want to trigger the center, 1/4, 1/2, edge samples according to where i hit on the head. i understand that the Roland pads and brain send CC#16, does Megadrum use this same technique?

I'm pretty sure that the Logic/Mainstage sampler won't respond to different samples using CC#16 and I can't load my own samples into Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0.

What are my other options? I think I've read Battery may let you do this?

thank you!
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby angr77 » Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:27 pm


The Megadrum do handle positional sensing over cc:16. You need a e-drum with a centralized piezo trigger mounted. (That the sensor is mounted in the middle of the drum)

Then you will need a positional sensing board( a MegaDRUM add on board) if your drum does not generate a positive half wave when triggering. (Could be a bit hard to determine...without a PS board)

If these requirements are met...the MD can handle PS for about 5 different drums.

Then we had your second part of the I don't know any software where you are able add your own samples and also tag them to use Positional Sensing. The PS function works great in softwares like AD, SD, BFD etc...but they don't have the feature to add your own samples...

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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:27 pm

Yes I think you would have to use a DAW to get this dream solution. That said, and I use timpani samples quite a bit, there are more variants with mallet types so you can't really cover all the bases all the time. I just change kits (nki in Kontakt) to an apropriate sample for the piece. I don't/can't use PS because my pads are so small but I do put the different artics on different pads (conga or bongo for example). Have you looked at Mandala

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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby ignotus » Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:53 pm

BFD3 lets you load your own samples. Might be a bit overkill if you just want it for some timpani samples though...
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby angr77 » Mon Jan 26, 2015 5:26 pm

Aha. I did not Know that BFD3 could load own samples. That must be the way to go then...does it support PS for these samples as well?

Sonor, Drum-Tec heads, Roland CY14, CY12&15R, 2x BT-1 & VH11, 12, 13, Triggera D11, 2xD14, Pintech Dingbat, Letric Moo, Quartz triggers, 2xARM based MegaDRUM, PS Board, M-Audio FT Ultra 8R, Addictive Drums 2.1.6, Surface Pro 5
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby ignotus » Mon Jan 26, 2015 6:10 pm

angr77 wrote:...does it support PS for these samples as well?

You got me there... I don't have BFD3 so I don't really know - I just know that it lets you use your own .wav samples. I can't see why it wouldn't let you assign notes for PS, but I suppose the best way to find out would be for the asker to shoot them an email.
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby airflamesred » Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:06 pm

As I'm sure most of you know, the mere ability to load samples is only the start. Can it sequence through groups, round robins and velocity layers? I have tried it in Kontakt with octoban samples and it's do able but time consuming.

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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby rockdude » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:40 pm

glenn.szymanski wrote:greetings,

i've been using electronic drum pads and samplers since the mid-90s and very simple set ups in the digital world, mostly with Mainstage.

I acquired some cool freeware timpani samples and i want to trigger the center, 1/4, 1/2, edge samples according to where i hit on the head. i understand that the Roland pads and brain send CC#16, does Megadrum use this same technique?

I'm pretty sure that the Logic/Mainstage sampler won't respond to different samples using CC#16 and I can't load my own samples into Toontrack Superior Drummer 2.0.

What are my other options? I think I've read Battery may let you do this?

thank you!

I think you would be able to do this by "programming" a sfz-file and use it in a sfz-compliant player (free format and most players are free too).
Have a look in this forum for more about how to configure and control your samples: ... 07448e0a26
You can add them to different sample pools and randomize between them and make them controllable via CC-data etc.
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby glenn.szymanski » Sun Feb 01, 2015 9:07 pm

ignotus wrote:BFD3 lets you load your own samples. Might be a bit overkill if you just want it for some timpani samples though...

not sure what you mean by overkill. i have samples of 5 different "hit" positions (edge, 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and center), with about 10 different hits from soft to loud to be layered by velocity. so that's 50 different samples for 1 drum.

i know that there are commercial timpani sample libraries, like... ... an-studios

and there's this awesome physical model one, but unfortunately is only for PC...
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Re: best software synth for assigning positional sensing sam

Postby ignotus » Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:05 am

glenn.szymanski wrote:not sure what you mean by overkill.

I meant to say it would be overkill if you were to just purchase/use BFD3 to play the timpani samples - if you're going to use the sounds that come with it too then all the better.
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