MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

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MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Wed Jul 22, 2015 1:39 pm

Hi all, after around 4 years of not playing with my Megadrum module, I have dragged it out of the toolbox and tried to configure it with my WIndows 7 PC and the latest version of MegaDrum Manager.

The brain has Firmware Ver 20111213 and is a 16MHz AT644 Mega MCU with protected Bootloader.

The PC recognises the Megadrum module as a device and it shows up as "Megadrum Midi USB" in the devices Window.

When I start the latest version of Megadrum Manager (2015 version) I get the warning "Before using MegaDrum Manager you must set Midi IO ports etc etc".

Under "Main" and "Options" tab my MidiIn port option is only :"Real Time Sequencer".
As a result of not being able to set my MidiIn port appropriately (I think this is the issue) I cannot read my Megadrum at all, communicate with it in anyway etc.

I have the latest version of Java installed and am online..

Any advice as to what I'm doing wrong or missing?

Many thanks,

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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby dmitri » Wed Jul 22, 2015 3:41 pm

Can any other MIDI soft see MegaDrum MIDI ports?
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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:07 pm

On my desktop PC which has Superior Drummer, it triggers that fine.

MegaDrum Manager on that PC doesn't read it either however. That version of MegaDrum Manager is around the same age and vintage as my brain firmware 201104....

On my laptop which is where I installed the latest version of MegaDrm Manager and where I noticed this initial problem, I now see the "Mega Drum USB Audio Device" in the options area but after setting this for the "Midi-In" device and then doing the "Open Midi" I get the "Midi Init Error" in red.

Every time I close and open midi I get this.

I see my Midi LED on the module lighting up each time but the comms is no good for some reason.

There are no other programs accessing it so I'm unsure what the issue is.

The module was working fine 3 years ago when I last played with it, its been sitting on a shelf since then...


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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Fri Jul 24, 2015 12:57 pm

Could this problem be related to not having the latest PIC USB Firmware? If so, how does one upgrade the PIC USB firmware?

I've even tried to upgrade my MCU firmware to the latest with both the older mdfw Update tool and the latest MDU update tool and the both programs just hang without any download progress etc.

It's wierd because the unit works with Superior Drummer..

I just want to upgrade to the latest and be able to configure using MegaDrum Manager...


Any advice would be great.


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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby dmitri » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:16 pm

Without a PIC programmer you cannot update USB PIC firmware but the old USB PIC firmware would not cause this problem.

Is it a full DIY version?
Atmega644 can work at 20MHz. You say it is at 16MHz. Are you using a 16MHz crystal? Does it match the frequency the MegaDrum firmware show in the Menu?
When you try to do the upgrade following ... f=3&t=1252 , do you choose the frequency matching your crystal?
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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:24 pm

Yep, its a full DIY version and has worked in the past without issue.

It's a 16MHz crystal on the board, same as what come up on the LCD screen after entering boot mode.

Yes, I have followed those instructions. Using the older command line based program and the latest MDU upgrading program. Same result, they just hang with no progress..


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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Fri Jul 24, 2015 1:41 pm

Managed to upgrade the firmware but still have the "Midi Init Error" problem on MegaDrum Manager

I had not pressed "Down" on the pushbuttons to accept the Default 16MHz clock speed...Silly..

Still no love from MegaDrum Manager however..


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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby dmitri » Fri Jul 24, 2015 3:28 pm

Did you leave "MIDI Speed" at default "USB + MIDI"?
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Re: MegaDrum Manager can't connect to my MegaDrum Module

Postby tobykea » Fri Jul 31, 2015 1:35 pm

Got my desktop PC (running XP) loaded up with the latest MegaDrum Manager. No issues now...All sorted..

Must be an issue with my laptop. It's a work laptop with all sorts of crap running in the background, security programs, etc. Probably not the best pc to use..

It's good to be able to configure the Megadrum via this tool rather than by pressing buttons...

I gave up on this project about 2-3 years ago out of frustration in not getting the last piece of the puzzle sorted- the hi-hat. Using Superior Drummer. Could'n t get the fully tight to fully open sounds working.

This time around I got it working no issues at all. Hall Effect device as before but the correct config and settings in Superior Drummer has sorted it.

All thanks to the hard work and posts on this forum I searched through and read from other users having the same issues.

MUCHAS GRACIAS TODO!! I'm loving this thing. And was contemplating dropping a few grand on a DTX900 or Roland TD25..No need, my setup is better!!!!!
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