DIY 3 zone cymbal v2

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: DIY 3 zone cymbal v2

Postby ignotus » Thu Apr 14, 2016 2:39 pm

privatex wrote:Good job ignotus! Principles are simple it's just matter of fabrication and materials. You doing good work here, keep it going.
Thanks man. These cymbals have received a good deal of abuse since I made them and they still work fine. I recently took one apart to see how the copper tape and wiring were holding up and there weren't any signs of wear or cracking, so I reckon they should last.
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Re: DIY 3 zone cymbal v2

Postby HeavyNounours » Sat May 02, 2020 9:49 pm

Hi !

I've came across your different topics : awesome work mate !
How the cymbals are doing a few years laters ?

Do you think it is possible to do the same, but without the rubber on it ?
I would love to have the natural cymbal look and feel ;)

Thanks in advance !
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Joined: Sat May 02, 2020 9:26 pm

Re: DIY 3 zone cymbal v2

Postby ignotus » Sun May 03, 2020 9:10 am

HeavyNounours wrote:How the cymbals are doing a few years laters ?

They're still working fine, though I should say that since I made them they have gone through periods of not being used at all, so it's not as if I've been pounding them constantly since then. A friend of mine made some around the same time and he says he's had to repair the copper around the edge a few times. He's an animal playing though, he really beats the cr*p out of his kit. But it's not a big deal to repair - you just tape on some copper where the crack is.
HeavyNounours wrote:Do you think it is possible to do the same, but without the rubber on it ?
I would love to have the natural cymbal look and feel

I don't see why not, the rubber on top is to reduce noise - they'll just be noisier and probably more sensitive without it. They cymbals I used were black ABS though, if you want a more realistic look you could use a gold vinyl.
If it ain't broken... fix it until it is.
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