Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

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Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby Rovalo » Sat Aug 06, 2016 9:47 pm

I just received my full kit from Dmtri and after some struggle with my PC to get it to work with MDM, it seems to work fine. I have no triggers connected yet, I'm working on that.

Besides for my drumkit I also want to use MD for a midi mallet controller to simulate a Glockenspiel. The keys will be 20 mm wide so I selected a 15 mm piezo element, I need 40 pcs. The specs show 1500 Ohm resistance and I'm in doubt if that matters for MD, since other piezo elements show also lower resistance values.

I searched for an answer on this forum but that failed. What is your opinion, will MD handle this (any) piezo element?
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby airflamesred » Sun Aug 07, 2016 6:42 am

I see no reason why they wouldn't work. The construction of the bars wil be of more significance in how well it triggers.

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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby Rovalo » Sun Aug 07, 2016 7:37 pm

Thank you!

And your answer about piezo type is good news, I will order this type. Yes, I will have to do some testing with the key construction.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby airflamesred » Sun Aug 07, 2016 8:20 pm

My suggestion would be to order 2 of each size (15, 20, 35mm) and experiment before ordering 40 of them. The good thing about piezos is that they are cheap.

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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby Rovalo » Mon Aug 08, 2016 8:00 pm

No matter how small the order, shipment costs are rather high. I found an overview of piezo elements with varying diameter and frequency.

In general the resistance for bigger piezo's (27-35 mm are mostly used for triggers) is 200-400E. The one I selected has 1500E, quite a difference. I guess I better pick one with resistance < 500E in order to avoid bad triggering.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby airflamesred » Wed Aug 10, 2016 3:41 pm

Rovalo wrote:In general the resistance for bigger piezo's (27-35 mm are mostly used for triggers) is 200-400E. The one I selected has 1500E, quite a difference. I guess I better pick one with resistance < 500E in order to avoid bad triggering.

To honest Rob I haven;t looked into the stats on them (thanks for the link btw, interesting stuff) but as far as triggering is concerned I've used 20mm and 35mm and theres not a big difference.

Ignotus might chime in on this point but I think it's easier to tame a higher signal and the relevance of the resistance values.

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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby ignotus » Thu Aug 11, 2016 7:27 am

I don't think the resistance will be an issue. When you use resistors or voltage dividers to cool piezos down they are usually in the order of several kOhm, so I don't think a 1k difference will matter much. I've used 15 mm piezos before and they were fine.
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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby Rovalo » Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:39 pm

Thanks for your replies, I decided for the 20 mm version with lower resistance, should be fine. Already received them, now Im first figuring out how I want the MD inputs configured in break-out boxes for various purposes to use the MD.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby airflamesred » Fri Aug 12, 2016 9:47 pm

Are you planning on incorporating MD in with the bars structure?

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Re: Is every piezo element suitable as trigger?

Postby Rovalo » Fri Aug 12, 2016 10:14 pm

No, I just posted a new thread with some questions. In that thread I explain what I plan to do with MD. Can you advice?
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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