Great Mesh Head Material for the DIY Drum Guys

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Great Mesh Head Material for the DIY Drum Guys

Postby wazzuperz123 » Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:37 pm

I got a lot of help from you guys on these forums so I thought I'd give back a little :). I made a acoustic drum set to silent midi conversion. Everything was done by hand including the heads, cymbals, triggers and the megadrum monster i made LoL. I have to say though, with all the settings set correctly and a lot of messing around, I was ablt to make quite a great set for under $300 including megadrum, set and materials. Feel free to ask if you have any questions, I'll try and do another post with pictures and info. So for the mesh head material, DUN DUN DUN.....

Mesh Banner Material - Found at your local sign store, probably for free :)

This stuff is SUPER durable and has bounce. It is not as silent as say screen material but it is made to withstand wind abuse. I work at a sign shop so I made a jig from particle board, bent the copper tubing to the jig for the rim and the used our sewing machine to attach the mesh banner material. With the plastic tip sticks, you will get years out of these things. I'm already going on about 2.5 years and they still look pretty good.

Any decent sign shop should have this stuff in stock. You can ask for scraps and they will probably just give you some, we do it for different materials all the time here. They might charge you 10 bucks for 4'x4' or 4'x6' but its still a great deal.
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Re: Great Mesh Head Material for the DIY Drum Guys

Postby airflamesred » Thu Jun 01, 2017 9:46 pm

Well done, just goes to show that a bit of know how and a MD - half the price (at least) of a Roland.

Next on my radar - mesh.

And I should add that it is nice to have a positive outcome reported, thanks.

koby drums - Triggera krigg/Bix - megadrum - Kontakt........... Samples from all and sundry.
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