Goldie wrote:You my hero baquette
10,16v 5,00v
-13,30v -5,02v
Does this make any sense?
I've checked pcb is not touching case, i'll check some more for shortcuts.
these are good values, at least the output values: The voltage regulators are specified for +5 and -5 volts output and they seem to do their job.
Do they do the same when the board is ACBing? i mean in the very same moment, i.e. run it in the box until it crashes and then measure immediately.
However, it might also be possible for instance that the output voltage is fluctuating lets say between 4 and 5 volts in a "high" frequency, i.e. 50 Hz (60 in the states i think), producing digital headache. In this case you don't now how the voltmeter reacts, if it measures the mean value over the time (which would be 4.5 volt) or something else - by the way this it what happens for the input voltages. They are somewhat "wavy" and the regulators shall stabilize the waves, at a lower voltage level. Therefore, it is not perfectly clear what your measurements mean at this side.
Try to have a look at the A/D converter, what is below the sticker? if you can make out a standard component we can maybe have a look at it.
Concerning the power supply - if you have one that gives 9v ac but should be 10v, it is possible that it is causing trouble. In particular it could cause wavieness of the regulated voltage (5V). In this case it is not obvious why it should make a difference between in-box and off-box but you never know...
It is even very likely that 9V AC are not enough to produce stable +5V and -5V : together they are 10V

The exact calculation is a bit different but you must also take into account that there must be 1.4 volt dropout between input and output of a voltage regulator to work properly.
If you have another AC supply handy, you could try it. Even if the output is more than 10V, the reguators are designed to handle up to 30V input voltage (but will produce more heat - it's a weird game
