Introduce Yourself. :)

Anything at least distantly related to MegaDrum

Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby jamalpiper » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:52 am

Good thread,

From my reading I appear top be the only actual drummer around... :shock: Been playing somewhere around 1.5 coming up on 2 years, started music 7 years ago on guitar...

interest in megadrum sparked for three reasons.

1. being too poor to get a good acoustic drum kit for recording/playing out

2. not being satisfied with simply one "set" of sounds from my kit...

3. not liking the over commercialized options out there

So I'm building my own, slow progress now, I have a few parts ordered, but I'm still figuring out the specifics on how I'll do the pads and the rack (and still fit my barely existent budget)...
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby fankelomia » Fri Apr 10, 2009 7:17 pm

Hello everyone,

my name is Johannes, i'm from germany and 26 years old. I study business informatics and have been playing guitars my whole life.

For some years now i have also been playing drums from time to time, but since there's no way of plugging headphones into an acoustic drum set (and it wouldn't mute it anyway) i got into e-drum(conversion)s.

I already love this forum and got nearly all my questions answered, thanks to you guys.

Peace out,
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby gui_999 » Tue Apr 21, 2009 1:05 pm

Hi there!

My name is Guillaume and I'm from Quebec city in Canada.. That makes me a french canadian!

I've being playing guitar for almost 15 years, but I always wanted to drum since I was 10. Now that I'm a grown up (I have time and money :P), I was looking for an electronic set online when I felt on the Vdrum forums, where I learn about DIY and megadrum.

My father is a retired electronic high school teacher, so I have some basic knowledge and thats why I decided to go the long way by building my kit from scratch (building the e-kit, and the megadrum from the schematics).

So far so good.. I'm almost done with the making of my megadrum.
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby Rubis » Tue Apr 21, 2009 10:26 pm


I'm Alex, from Atlanta, GA, USA.

I originally started on my Megadrum (I cheated and bought an already fully built firmware testing module from Synthex) as a gift for my little brother who had to sell his acoustic set last December. He has since bought it back, but I'm still working on it for myself. Inputs boards are almost done and I will be using fully DIY drums and cymbals. If it turns out well, I might still make one for my brother. His drums are a bit cheap and he can't play them much because of the noise. I envy his cymbals though.
Last edited by Rubis on Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby fuzzysnuggleduck » Tue Apr 21, 2009 11:59 pm

Hey guys!

I'm Rybot from Vancouver, BC Canada.

I've been drumming for about 12 years now on and off. After moving to Vancouver a couple years ago and into a tiny apartment I thought my drumming days might be over (left the acoustic kit with some friends in the old city) but I met some people here in Vancouver and got interested in edrumming as an alternative to renting jam space and buying an acoustic kit.

I'm a systems administrator by trade, focusing mainly on Linux though I use and enjoy OS X quite a bit as well. I don't shun Windows, but I won't use it for anything personal. I'm a bit of a geek but I certainly am NOT an electronics engineer!

It's been pretty incremental with the gear we use... started with a Yamaha DTXpress IV then bought some Hart drums (Studio Master 6.4) for a wicked price and picked up a TD-3 while I waited for my MegaDrum parts to come in. Got a few neighbor complaints along the way but we've got it all worked out now. The going was tough for a while (solving problems) and I still don't have all my settings or peizo "heat" setup exactly right but every time I sit down to fix things it gets better. Either way, I've been able to do a lot of work on the drums with MegaDrum and that's just awesome.

If it wasn't for Dmitri and Synthex, I would have had to spend a ton of cash on at least a TD-10 (or 12, or 20!), just for the MIDI out functionality and I couldn't bring myself to do it. I absolutely didn't want to pay for Roland modeling that I would NEVER use. The Alesis Trigger I/O wasn't even an option, it's features are way too weak. Nothing else except perhaps Admir's eDrum came close to what I wanted but there were something about his project that turned me off. Soooooo glad I found MegaDrum!

Anyways, I'm drumming again, got a fun project going with my friend and within the last year we've churned out over 200 tracks, both jams and actual songs that have been written. We've both invested a lot of money and time into the project and I can't say that I could be happier doing anything else right now. Good times!
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby jman 31 » Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:55 am

Hey. I've been floating around this forum long enough that I think I can introduce myself. My name is Jeremy, I'm from Florida USA.

I got started in DIY projects when I needed a way for my band to jam at my house in town. I decided to build a set of DIY drums to give me a way to turn the overall volume down when we play. I don't play drums, but I now don't have to leave my property to jam with my band. I got hooked on DIY when I saw all of the cool things people were making on the internet. Not just drumming equipment, but amps, effects pedals and millions of other ideas.

I bought an Alesis DM-5 module since I wasn't familiar with Megadrum at the time. I have yet to complete my Megadrum, but it is coming along nicely. I am really impressed by this site and the willingness of Dmitri and Synthex to help everyone that asks. Also everyone else that is willing to lend a hand. I haven't had the opportunity to use it yet, but elrules MCT program looks really cool too!

My name is Jeremy, and I am a DIY addict! I can't quit but I am trying to control it! :mrgreen: Baby steps..........

Jman 31
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby userfriendly » Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:08 am

Look, an introduce-yourself-thread. How nice. :P :lol: Somewhere I can post despite not even having ordered my MegaDrum yet.

Well, I'm Mo, from Germany, and I've been looking into electronic drums for a couple weeks now. At my dad's place I have my trusty old Pearl BRX, but I rarely if ever get to play it anymore (which is a shame, since it's a really, really nice set), and putting it in my own flat is a big no-no (you guessed it, the evil neighbours). So I'm going to sell it soon. I've been making music with my PC for more than 10 years now - I've always shunned hardware drum computers, but I LOVE the software drum plugins like BFD & DHFS. Which is where MegaDrum comes in. At first I looked at the Alesis Trigger I/O, but it seemed to me that MegaDrum is vastly superior to it, plus the whole DIY fun part of it, so... MegaDrum it's gonna be. Will order a kit in a couple days: come May 1st, come money. Come MegaDrum. :D

I'm also looking into building my own e-drum pads, although only for toms and bass drum - probably going to buy me a Hart Pro Snare and HH controller stand + Cymbals, since snare & HH are the two things that just have to be perfect. :lol:

That's it for now, I guess. Surely I'll be back soon, hopefully with news of success instead of questions and despair. :roll: :D Wish me luck.
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby jman 31 » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:14 am

userfriendly wrote:Look, an introduce-yourself-thread. How nice. :P :lol: Somewhere I can post despite not even having ordered my MegaDrum yet.

Well, I'm Mo, from Germany, and I've been looking into electronic drums for a couple weeks now. At my dad's place I have my trusty old Pearl BRX, but I rarely if ever get to play it anymore (which is a shame, since it's a really, really nice set), and putting it in my own flat is a big no-no (you guessed it, the evil neighbours). So I'm going to sell it soon. I've been making music with my PC for more than 10 years now - I've always shunned hardware drum computers, but I LOVE the software drum plugins like BFD & DHFS. Which is where MegaDrum comes in. At first I looked at the Alesis Trigger I/O, but it seemed to me that MegaDrum is vastly superior to it, plus the whole DIY fun part of it, so... MegaDrum it's gonna be. Will order a kit in a couple days: come May 1st, come money. Come MegaDrum. :D

I'm also looking into building my own e-drum pads, although only for toms and bass drum - probably going to buy me a Hart Pro Snare and HH controller stand + Cymbals, since snare & HH are the two things that just have to be perfect. :lol:

That's it for now, I guess. Surely I'll be back soon, hopefully with news of success instead of questions and despair. :roll: :D Wish me luck.

Hey man, check out There's tons of cool ways to turn your acoustic set into an edrum set (with the help of a Megadrum of course!) and then you could keep your acoustic set in case you ever needed it and still be able to keep the neighbors happy!!!!
jman 31
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby userfriendly » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:03 pm

jman 31 wrote:Hey man, check out There's tons of cool ways to turn your acoustic set into an edrum set (with the help of a Megadrum of course!) and then you could keep your acoustic set in case you ever needed it and still be able to keep the neighbors happy!!!!

Thanks, mate. But once I go E, I doubt I'll look back. Besides, I kinda need the money. Heh.

Oh, and have you guys seen the Diamond Electronic Drums made in the UK? I'm still going to get me a Hart HH, but I'll let that guy build the pads for me. Reviews have been great, and they look absolutely gorgeous.
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Re: Introduce Yourself. :)

Postby RJMS » Thu May 07, 2009 2:16 pm

I'm Ron, from the Netherlands and play drums in a few bands.
I did build Admir's Edrum 22 but I'm looking for more features and MegaDrum should offer me those (if I can believe you guys and girls on this forum ;) )
I like the idea that I can upload firmware myself without a programmer (because I don't have one), the interaction through usb and the software tool to control it with a PC.

But tell me, why should I really give up Admir's Edrum? :roll:

Anyone from the Netherlands (ZH) with a MegaDrum who's willing to invite me for a testdrive? :mrgreen:
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