MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

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MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby Rovalo » Sat Nov 30, 2024 3:21 pm

Can someone help me explain what the midi channel setting per channel exactly does?
And if the HH pedal midi notes (eg chick splash) are always fixed to midi channel 10 (it cannot be set somewhere in MDMFX)?

For example:
- When I set MD inputs 18-27 to midi channel 11 then VST which is set to midi channel 10 still responds to the midi notes from these inputs with midi channel 11.
- When MD pedal notes (midi channel 10 assumed) are triggered then the VST set to midi channel 11 also responds.

I'm confused, your help is appreciated.

I use MD beta version firmware.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby Rovalo » Sat Nov 30, 2024 10:13 pm

No matter what I try, it seems that MD sends the note of an input to all midi channels instead of only the selected channel?
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby dmitri » Sun Dec 01, 2024 11:53 am

I have a suspicion your VST is listening for MIDI on all channels.
MegaDrum can send MIDI messages only on one channel at a time and as the MIDI channel is compulsory part of the messages it must be set in the message.
The MIDI channel for the HiHat Notes is set on the input assigned to HiHat (HiHat Input). By default it is input 2 (and 3 if it is a dual/triple zone HiHat cymbal).
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby Rovalo » Sun Dec 01, 2024 3:50 pm

Hello Dmitri, thanks for helping out.

I'm using MD now for triggering orchestral samples from VSTs in a DAW, so I really need the feature of MD to send different inputs to different midi channels.
I double-checked your suspicion because it seems the obvious explanation.

dmitri wrote:MegaDrum can send MIDI messages only on one channel at a time and as the MIDI channel is compulsory part of the messages it must be set in the message.

1. Meaning that it is not possible for MD to send a midi note to more than one midi channel per message?
2. So it is impossible that two VST's listening to different midi channels respond to the same input?
3. But it is possible for MD to send e.g. input 2 notes (splash/chick) to midi channel 10 and input 18-27 notes to midi channel 11 and input 36-41 midi notes to midi channel 12 when the inputs are not hit at the same time?

dmitri wrote:The MIDI channel for the HiHat Notes is set on the input assigned to HiHat (HiHat Input). By default it is input 2 (and 3 if it is a dual/triple zone HiHat cymbal).

Thanks for clarifying, I use input 2 but do not use a trigger pad. I only use the HH pedal to trigger a sample on chicks and splashes.
4. So I have New Algorithm selected, CC Number to 0, HiHat Input 2 and on input 2 midi channel 10.
No trigger connected. Only midi notes for Chick and Splash, rest of the notes 0.
That should work fine right?

dmitri wrote:I have a suspicion your VST is listening for MIDI on all channels.

I did a simple test and do not understand what is happening.
In the DAW a VST is set to listen to midi channel 1, triggered from a midi keyboard sending from midi channel 1.
In the DAW also midi channel input filter is set to 1. Key strikes let the VST play the corresponding samples as expected.
When I change the DAW midi channel input filter to another channel, with the midi keyboard still sending on channel 1 the VST does not see midi input and does not respond to key hits, so the midi channel filters works and the VST only responds to midi channel 1.

Then with that same VST I select as midi input MegaDrum USB MIDI instead of the midi keyboard.
In MegaDrum no inputs are assigned to midi channel 1, only midi channels 10, 11 and 12.

With the DAW midi channel filter on channel 1 playing the inputs connected to MD set to channel 11 let the VST respond on each hit, so MD must be sending also on midi channel 1?

This is the same as what I experience that MD inputs set to midi channel 12 also trigger the DAW/VST set to only midi channel 11.

Your help is very much appreciated!
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby dmitri » Mon Dec 02, 2024 5:51 pm

Rovalo wrote:
dmitri wrote:MegaDrum can send MIDI messages only on one channel at a time and as the MIDI channel is compulsory part of the messages it must be set in the message.

1. Meaning that it is not possible for MD to send a midi note to more than one midi channel per message?

From the same input, yes, it is not possible. And unless you change config in between messages it'll be one and only channel for all messages from a specific input.
But different input can send messages over different channels.
2. So it is impossible that two VST's listening to different midi channels respond to the same input?

Yes, it is impossible.
3. But it is possible for MD to send e.g. input 2 notes (splash/chick) to midi channel 10 and input 18-27 notes to midi channel 11 and input 36-41 midi notes to midi channel 12 when the inputs are not hit at the same time?

Yes, it is possible. Any input can be configured to use any of the MIDI channels.
dmitri wrote:The MIDI channel for the HiHat Notes is set on the input assigned to HiHat (HiHat Input). By default it is input 2 (and 3 if it is a dual/triple zone HiHat cymbal).

Thanks for clarifying, I use input 2 but do not use a trigger pad. I only use the HH pedal to trigger a sample on chicks and splashes.
4. So I have New Algorithm selected, CC Number to 0, HiHat Input 2 and on input 2 midi channel 10.
No trigger connected. Only midi notes for Chick and Splash, rest of the notes 0.
That should work fine right?

Yes (although it is looking like a strange use of a HiHat) .
dmitri wrote:I have a suspicion your VST is listening for MIDI on all channels.

I did a simple test and do not understand what is happening.
In the DAW a VST is set to listen to midi channel 1, triggered from a midi keyboard sending from midi channel 1.
In the DAW also midi channel input filter is set to 1. Key strikes let the VST play the corresponding samples as expected.
When I change the DAW midi channel input filter to another channel, with the midi keyboard still sending on channel 1 the VST does not see midi input and does not respond to key hits, so the midi channel filters works and the VST only responds to midi channel 1.

Then with that same VST I select as midi input MegaDrum USB MIDI instead of the midi keyboard.
In MegaDrum no inputs are assigned to midi channel 1, only midi channels 10, 11 and 12.

With the DAW midi channel filter on channel 1 playing the inputs connected to MD set to channel 11 let the VST respond on each hit, so MD must be sending also on midi channel 1?

This is the same as what I experience that MD inputs set to midi channel 12 also trigger the DAW/VST set to only midi channel 11.

I really don't know. May be the VST always listens to channels 11-16 regardless of what it is configured to listen to. Try to configure MegaDrum to use channels 1-9 and see how the VST reacts.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby Rovalo » Mon Dec 02, 2024 9:58 pm

Thanks for the replies.

I tried so many ways to get this to work...

I there a simple way for me to see the midi channel that MD is sending with a triggered input?

Can you do a simple test with latest beta firmware where MD is only using midi channel 10, set your VST to a different midi channel and see if it responds?
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby airflamesred » Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:37 pm

If you're doing it through a daw this is quite simple.

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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby airflamesred » Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:43 pm

If you're using cubase there's a script you can add so the vst only reads the transmitted channel. I'm sure there is one for reaper etc.

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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby dmitri » Tue Dec 03, 2024 6:57 pm

Midi Log/Raw MIDI in MDMFX will show you pure MIDI messages received from MegaDrum.
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Re: MIDI channel settings for HH / inputs question

Postby Rovalo » Tue Dec 10, 2024 10:28 pm

airflamesred wrote:If you're using cubase there's a script you can add so the vst only reads the transmitted channel. I'm sure there is one for reaper etc.

Thanks for your reply. I'm using Cubase but could not yet find a way to see which midi channels are received.
Within the Inspector I select the midi channel to read.

But I'm looking for a way to see on what midi channel(s) midi information is received in order to find out what I'm misunderstanding.
Kind regards, Rob.

MD STM32F205RCT6 v3 (STM32d_56) full kit with PS addon board and 2.4" colour LCD, TD11, TD15, KD120, VH11, PD125x, PD120, PDX8, CY5, CY8, CY12R, PM-30, Steinberg UR22/44/816C.
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