"Megadrum Config Tool" released

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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Sun Apr 26, 2009 3:25 pm

No error this time but it still doesn't send a single byte of firmware.

16:18:47 INFO: Initialization started
16:18:47 INFO: Configuration file read successfully
16:18:47 INFO: Input names file read successfully
16:18:48 INFO: Megadrum settings from last session read successfully
16:18:48 INFO: Initialization finished
16:19:10 INFO: Configuration file saved to C:/Documents and Settings/Dima/MegadrumConfigTool/MegadrumConfigTool.ini
16:19:10 INFO: Input names file saved to C:/Documents and Settings/Dima/MegadrumConfigTool/SubpadNamesConversionTable.ini 16:19:34 INFO: Opening MIDI port to send firmware...
16:19:34 INFO: Sending firmware...
16:19:34 INFO: Firmware was sent. Now closing...
16:19:34 INFO: MIDI OUT connection opened
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby gastric » Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:30 pm

First, let me thank you 100 times for developing this tool. It's invaluable for easily setting your MegaDrum parameters. There's so many pads and settings for each I now know why Dmitri is ga-ga over rotary encoders to zoom through the menus. ;)

My environment:
  • Synthex V2.8 kit assembed into 1U rack chassis, buttons, LCD, USB, MIDI, the works
  • Currently connected via USB
  • DIY PC built with current Gigabyte mobo, overclocked Intel E5200 @ 3.6GHz, 4GB RAM, WinXP Pro SP2
  • Installed latest Java
  • DIY acoustic conversion drums and cymbals using crossbar-and-cone

I will use this post to collect all of my various comments about MCT. I'll separate my comments by the calendar date I originally logged them, I'll update it periodically, and I'll do my best to note any changes I made to previous comments.


MCT V1.6
Firmware 20090326
  • I have issues where when you first load the app it cannot communicate over the set MIDI. You have to open the options, change the MIDI, then change it back to what it was first set to before it will communicate with MD.
  • When setting the options for MIDI IN/OUT it should test the communication with the MD and display an error if communication fails
  • If the software cannot communicate with the MD during any operation, an error should be displayed
  • Display some visible and animated graphic, like using the Windows hourglass mouse cursor, while the application is performing communication or other processing tasks so the user knows something is definitely happening.
  • Develop a Wizard that can help automate Trigger settings. Something similar to how webcamera microphones are setup.
    • Hit the trigger slowly, but at maximum strength.
    • Adjust the slider until the meter just reaches the top.
    • Helpful hints along the way.
    • Hit the trigger slowly, but at maximum strength.
    • Adjust the retrigger/DynThreshold/DynTime until you see a single trigger per hit
    • Etc.
    • But with as much automation and For Dummies guidance as possible. Generally any directions you can type out in a document can be coded logically into the software.
  • Ability to rename/alias the physical inputs. I would like to use Tom5/Crash2/Crash3/China instead of Aux1/2/3, etc. [edited 05/05/09] I realize that there is a feature in the Firmware menu. However, it's effectively useless since you cannot upload firmware with MCT at this time. I was actually just thinking of an alias in MCT itself for display purposes. Such as "Tom5 (Aux1)" that shows me the alias and respective MD input at the same time. I rarely look at my MD LCD itself since I'm using MCT almost exclusively, thus I really only care about what MCT shows me. Again, thumbs up to you for making this tool so great I don't have to use the LCD/buttons on my MD. :)


MCT V1.6
Firwmware 20090326
  • Remind the user if they want to save changes to MD itself upon MCT exit.
  • Consider a user Option we can check to automatically save changes to Slot 1 so they aren't lost. Though I realize I should be able to theoretically load changes from a MCT file, then send them all back with the click of a button.
  • As a new user it wasn't completely clear you needed to save to Slot1 to permanently save the changes to MD. Should come up with some way to make this more intuitive and understandable without having to consult MD and MCT documentation. Maybe via renaming the button something like "Permenantly save changes (slot 1)" and displaying some popup "tip" on MCT startup that reminds users that changes made in MCT are only in MCT and have to be pushed to MD, and even then they aren't permenant in MD until you save them to slot 1. Just rattling off my thoughts as they come to me, but I think this would make it more intuitive for new users as nobody (me included) reads the documentation before using a product.
  • Needs a to/from file/MD for the HH Pedal without having to use the Actions menu or F7/Ctrl+F7 hotkeys. Note I'm a heavy hotkey user, but to further usability having buttons for that feature would be an improvement I think.
  • If you set 3rd zone BNote = Disable MCT needs to automatically set BThreshold = 0, otherwise MD will physically trigger MIDI Note = 0 against the 3rd Zone. See this thread for more information: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=726
  • Check for updates fails. It indicates that my firmware is newer than what's on the site. Specifically it says the site (at least that's what it appears to be referring to) has 20090306 which is the same version as on my MD. At the time the latest firmware on the site (via the forums) is actually something newer.
  • GUI and feature set needs to be updated against the latest firmware available. It's currently at least two versions behind at the time I log this note.
  • There should be some easier way to manage the drum maps via MCT. MD with Atmega32 can store 5 drum maps. But there's no obvious way to easily manage/access each individually via MCT. Again, rattling off thoughts as they come to me - Maybe a completely separate Drum Map configuration screen where the trigger parameters are not displayed but instead a multi-column/multi-row page with just the trigger and zone MIDI Notes. And some quick ability to select which map is currently being used in MD. Currently I'm focusing on configuring my triggers and only with Addictive Drums so I haven't actually used the drum maps yet so I don't have any other educated suggestions at this time. But previously with my Trigger IO I had a drum map for Addictive Drums and a separate one for Superior 2 and would switch between them fairly often and need some way to do that easily with MCT/MD as well.


MCT V1.6
Firwmware 20090504
  • After updating to firmware 20090504 using MIDI-OX MCT appears to no longer be able to pull or push any settings From MD as far as I can tell. The app log appears to indicate it's doing something. But the the GUI is not refreshed to match the settings displayed in MD. GUI setting remain those that loaded with app startup. And MD is not updated to the settings in MCT, at least not the MIDI Note for my various triggers. They're still stuck at the default MIDI Notes in the firmware as best I can tell. I haven't tested this further to see what the issue might be, nor have I reverted back to previous firmware to rule out some non-MCT related issue.
Last edited by gastric on Tue May 05, 2009 4:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby Ken Forgettable » Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:34 pm

gastric wrote:* CHANGE REQUEST: Ability to rename/alias the physical inputs. I would like to use Tom5/Crash2/Crash3/China instead of Aux1/2/3, etc.

Firmware->Input Names replacement table - in the MCT menu bar does this already.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby gastric » Tue May 05, 2009 5:23 pm

Ken, thanks for pointing that out. However, as far as I can tell that feature does nothing at this time since firmware update does not work properly in MCT. Though I didn't specifically try.

I also updated my original post with other comments. They're not generally well thought out at this time and I'm just typing them quickly as I use the tool. They're not meant as an attack on the developer's work, just my personal comments and suggestions for improvements.

I would be curious to know if any other users have these issues so I know if I'm the only one or not:

* MCT doesn't communicate with MD until you change MIDI IN/OUT, save changes, then change it back to what it was originally
* MCT doesn't work at all with firmware 20090504
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby gabriel1712 » Tue May 05, 2009 5:48 pm

gastric wrote:* MCT doesn't communicate with MD until you change MIDI IN/OUT, save changes, then change it back to what it was originally
* MCT doesn't work at all with firmware 20090504

Yes and yes (well, MCT midi log works, but send and recieve config doesn't)

click-click-click-And it click-click-click-click-click-click-does indeed click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-proove the incredible click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-value of MCTclick-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click-click...
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Tue May 05, 2009 6:16 pm

gastric wrote:* MCT doesn't work at all with firmware 20090504

The format of HH pedal Sysex has changed so MCT will choke on it.
It should work if you configure/update each input individually.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby gastric » Tue May 05, 2009 6:23 pm

dmitri wrote:
gastric wrote:* MCT doesn't work at all with firmware 20090504

The format of HH pedal Sysex has changed so MCT will choke on it.
It should work if you configure/update each input individually.

Unfortunately based on my quick testing it does not. All of my triggers are still set to the default MIDI Notes after cycling through each of them in MCT and clicking to send that individual pad to MD.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby gabriel1712 » Tue May 05, 2009 6:33 pm

That's my experience too.

Could it be related to the SysEx ChainID in MD default=254 instead of 0, I mentioned in another thread?
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby dmitri » Tue May 05, 2009 9:04 pm

gabriel1712 wrote:Could it be related to the SysEx ChainID in MD default=254 instead of 0, I mentioned in another thread?

I suggest you to reload the firmware, it may have not been properly loaded. I tested it with mine and it shows correct ChainID.

gastric wrote:Unfortunately based on my quick testing it does not. All of my triggers are still set to the default MIDI Notes after cycling through each of them in MCT and clicking to send that individual pad to MD.

It works for me although I must admit I have to change MIDI In port in MCT every time I start it otherwise it ignores all MIDI messages coming from MegaDrum.
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Re: "Megadrum Config Tool" released

Postby elrules » Tue May 05, 2009 9:09 pm

My apologizes for being away so much time. I had the visit of my girlfriend, you know...

At this moment MCT is not as I would like to. It seems there are some firmware changes not reflected in MCT, so hope I can fix that soon.

Dmitri, is there any firmware change apart from the HH pedal sysex?
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