New PC ... Device manager help

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New PC ... Device manager help

Postby kimouette » Fri May 22, 2009 7:13 pm

I still cant believe I did it!
I bought a PC! MAINLY because of MIDI problem, MCT, and couple of games my boyfriend wants to play since last year.

We dont have a lot of money so we bought a used Lenovo 3000 N200 (model 0769).

When I met the seller he told me that he had lost the installation CD that normally comes with the computer, and that anyway, it was not usefull since he had downgraded from Vista to XP.

I didnt think it could be a problem, but now I'm overwhelmed with problems! I reformated the computer and installed my own personal version of Windows XP (SP2) and found out I couldnt have access to Internet!

I went to the "Device Manager" and found multiple devices marked with a yellow "?".
Network controller was part of these missing drivers. So I went on Lenovo website and found a driver page ... 67855.html

That did solve my problem with Internet, now it works fine. But I have no audio device listed and about ten other yellow "?" that will probably soon become very problematic! Things like "Base system device" that I just cant find because there's no details about it!

I dont want any yellow question marks anymore! I want my computer to be 100% focntional!

Anyone can help, give suggestion, put me on a trail or tell me where to look?

Edit ....
OK found the audio drivers! Just 9 other drivers to find :?
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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby Rubis » Fri May 22, 2009 7:41 pm

Go into the properties page for each of the devices listed. There should be a vender id and a product id. Type those numbers into google and you should be able to identify them.
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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby jman 31 » Fri May 22, 2009 9:00 pm

The bottom 5 or 6 should be fairly easy. Just google the name like Rubis said and add "driver" to it. A lot of times it will take you right to the download. The "base system devices" may be another problem, but you can usually tell what is not there when you can't get something to function.

By the way, I should have something for you to look at soon. I made it back from my "vacation" sooner than I thought I would.

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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby jman 31 » Fri May 22, 2009 9:30 pm

One thing that I might add....if and when you do find all of the drivers for it, make a copy and save it to disk or to a flash drive. that way if and when you have to do this again it will all be there for you. I have two hard drives in mine and I keep a copy of all of the drivers on the hard drive that doesn't have the operating system on it.
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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby kimouette » Fri May 22, 2009 9:33 pm

Thanks for the suggestion but I finally found what I needed (I just wasted an entire day for nothing!!). Everything was on the Lenovo driver page I had found. The thing is, you cant just logically associate something listed in the device manager with a specific driver on that page (i.e. Base system device = card reader :? ). And the details for each device didnt help at all, there was simply no information given in there!

After useless reaserches here's what I found (someone in the same situation asked the question on the Lenovo forum and got that very simple answer) :

By the way, I should have something for you to look at soon. I made it back from my "vacation" sooner than I thought I would.

Is it very different from the 2nd design you made couple of days ago?

Oh and yes of course, I have already started to gather all my dowloads (drivers, apps, updates... everything), and I'll keep them on my external HDD.

PS : Why is it so complicated to make a printscreen with a PC? And why is my 6 year old Mac less noisy than this 1 and a half year old PC?
I'll just try to focus on MIDI-OX and MCT ;)
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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby jman 31 » Fri May 22, 2009 9:52 pm

kimouette wrote:
By the way, I should have something for you to look at soon. I made it back from my "vacation" sooner than I thought I would.

Is it very different from the 2nd design you made couple of days ago?

You should really get over your PC bashing! It doesn't suit you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

No. Not much different, you don't have to take your anger at your PC out on me! :twisted: :mrgreen:
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I'm currently installing AVAST, another good thing about PC'

Postby kimouette » Fri May 22, 2009 11:27 pm

You should really get over your PC bashing! It doesn't suit you! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :lol:

No. Not much different, you don't have to take your anger at your PC out on me! :twisted: :mrgreen:

Yeah you're right. I shouldn't do that :cry:

Instead I'll just bring a baseball bat to my local recycling center (a lot of Pc's in there) and take it out on these dead carcass :twisted:

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Re: New PC ... Device manager help

Postby jman 31 » Fri May 22, 2009 11:38 pm

Glad you got it sorted! PC's are really not that bad once you get used to them. I have tried my hand at a mac and got completely disgusted. I think it's all in what you get used to.
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