dmitri wrote:I just remembered that you tried with a standard MIDI port. Don't rush to make any changes to PIC18F2550 just yet. Take PIC18F2550 out of the socket and repeat the whole update procedure using MIDI-OX over a standard MIDI port and then step-by-step describe what you did with smallest details.
It worked for both MCUs!!! I took the PIC out and successfully updated in a minute. The difference between your bootloader in the Atmega32 and the other one in the Atmega644 is that the latter doesn't allow for selecting the clock speed with the Up button and is no too verbose either: it doesn't display an "Erased" message only confirms the successful update, but most importantly it works.
Then I put the PIC back and updated again a few time through the USB. The first 2 attempts were successful, but then it failed just like how this whole mess started. I took the PIC out again and updated through the MIDI port. So the bad news is that I'm infected with this PIC plague. I'd like to overwrite the PIC fw with yours, but I couldn't find a step-by-step description of the procedure, I only saw it being mentioned in various threads about issues with Winpic and ICSP cable wiring etc. Is there a single thread where all the necessary info is gathered (wiring, programmer settings...)?
I'd also like to know if there's one on writing the Atmega bootloader via a serial programmer.