Great !! Looking forward to this project.
Thanks up front Synthex.
dcho wrote:Thanks for that list Synthex! Anyone know where to find all the parts for cheap? I'm mostly having trouble finding sockets and connectors.
dcho wrote:After a little more exploring on futurlec, I was wondering if these are the correct connectors: By the way, the female connectors all have the same pic, but notice the difference in names.
dcho wrote:Cladinshadows, those are the HE-10 and HE-14 connectors?
dcho wrote:Synthex, does the PCB come with predrilled holes? I'm pretty much set on buying a kit from you, but I need an exact price as well method of payment. Paypal is easiest from me. I'm in the United States (zip 60173) so if you could let me know what the total charge will be, that'd be great. I'm willing to pay around 70-80 total.
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