Another config tool

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Re: Another config tool

Postby acspike » Wed May 06, 2009 1:43 am

OSI provides the definitive list of open source licenses:

Or if you know basically what you would like to require of people using your code you could list some of your preferences and we could point you to suitable licenses.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby elrules » Wed May 06, 2009 1:27 pm

I would like people to help with the code. For example, somebody, using SVN, updates the code, then I check what he did, and if I approve that, release in the new version the modified project with his code. And if I don't find those changes in the code good, then reverse them to the previous version.

I work everyday with TortoiseSVN client but don't know if Google or SourceForge provide an SVN server to distribute my project

EDIT: sorry, i hadn't read before your last posts. So it seems Google Code provides an SVN server. I would like to upload my complete NetBeans project as I also use the GUI Builder of netbeans and have some .form files.
I will create an account on Google Code and see what Netbeans can offer me. If not too good, i will simply use TortoiseSVN as a client
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Re: Another config tool

Postby acspike » Wed May 06, 2009 11:10 pm

The workflow you describe sounds like it would fit better with a distributed version control system like mercurial. Branching and merging are certainly possible with SVN but they were never fun (newer svn versions are supposed to address the branch tracking deficiencies, but I don't know if that is mainlined yet). One of the major benefits of DVCS is that us mere mortals can have full version control capabilites, even if you haven't given us write access to your main repo. With a DVCS I can make incremental versioned changes on my end, and then publish my changes for you, from which you can choose to merge what you like. With SVN I can checkout your repo and make changes, but things get complicated if I try to stage more than one set of changes for you and I have no ability to track a history of my individual changes unless you create a branch and give me commit rights to it.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby elrules » Thu May 07, 2009 9:22 pm

If I don´t have to read a 100-pages book to use Mercury, you convinced me to use Mercury.

So the process is...

1 - Create an account in Google Code
2 - Upload my entire project (I suppose I could decice which files are versioned, I mean, the "src" folder and "project" folder will be versioned, but not the "build" and "dist" folders (compiled files))
3 - Give some of you access to it (by the way, it would be nice to know who has good programming skills and want to join the project)
4 - Somehow, configure Netbeans to use a built-in mercury plugin
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Re: Another config tool

Postby userfriendly » Thu May 07, 2009 9:33 pm

Yup, just set the svn:ignore property on those folders. My account on Google Code is chamalla (dot) extract (at) googlemail (dot) com - write me up as one of those interested.

Mercurial, eh? Guess I'm going to learn using a DVCS then.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby acspike » Fri May 08, 2009 2:28 am

It looks like mercurial uses a .hgignore file to determine which files are unversioned.

There's also a full book about mercurial available for free online from the author:

I personally would prefer to send you patches at first rather than getting access. I don't know java, and I would want you to review any changes I make.

Speaking of java, I've been playing for a few minutes a day over the last few days with java and midi and the megadrum to see if I could do something simple like read the firmware version. I'm a little surprised by the behaviors. I'm not sure if the MegaDrum echo's my sysex commands back at me or if I'm doing something wrong. I see the echos both on linux and windows. On windows I get a response everytime, on linux only the first time after I plug in the megadrum. I wonder if this is why I can't get MCT to work on linux, but it works fine on windows.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby kimouette » Fri May 08, 2009 4:35 am

Would be nice if the the "new tool" wasn't written in Java.
Of course I'm saying that because I have a Mac! :D
But also, the app would be more stable and could be used without requiring an Internet connection.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby Rubis » Fri May 08, 2009 4:55 am

The internet requirement is because it is a Java Web Start application. He could strip that out without too much effort. It just makes updating easier. I'm pretty sure there is a way to run it from cache, I just haven't figured it out yet.

Macs run Java just fine. I don't see what the problem is. Java is one of the best cross platform development languages there is. The app doesn't need to be ported to Mac or Linux because it is written in Java.

If you want it written in something else, give a suggestion.
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Re: Another config tool

Postby Ken Forgettable » Fri May 08, 2009 9:54 am

Rubis wrote:I'm pretty sure there is a way to run it from cache

To run locally (offline):

Create a folder for the application and in this folder:-

Download install.jnlp
Now download all the href (zip) resources as required in this file.

Rename these resources from *.zip to *.jar

Copy the downloaded install.jnlp as Offline.jnlp

In Offline.jnlp replace



Launch the app using Offline.jnlp.

To fix error: The current user does not have write access to the cache.

javaws.exe -viewer
Close the cache viewer.
On the General TAB select Temporary Internet Files->Settings and change
the cache location.

Can also use javaws to uninstall the app and clear the cache.
Ken Forgettable
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Re: Another config tool

Postby userfriendly » Fri May 08, 2009 11:56 am

Rubis wrote:The internet requirement is because it is a Java Web Start application. He could strip that out without too much effort. It just makes updating easier. I'm pretty sure there is a way to run it from cache, I just haven't figured it out yet.

Macs run Java just fine. I don't see what the problem is. Java is one of the best cross platform development languages there is. The app doesn't need to be ported to Mac or Linux because it is written in Java.

If you want it written in something else, give a suggestion.

What he said. I also prefer Java. Not just for the cross-platform reason (which is nice because I mostly use Linux), but also because it's one of the languages I know. :D

But yeah, the cross-platform benefit is a big one - I'd probably be using it on a Mac OS X as well, on my little Dell Mini that I converted into what they call a Hackintosh. It came with Windows XP, I put Ubuntu on it for a couple months, but as I found out, it runs OS X just fine. EZdrummer runs flawlessly on this combination as well. I'm just going to need to tinker with the latency a bit.

So, although most of the users here will use this software on Windows, I'd be using it on both Linux and OS X, and both operating systems usually happen to be neglected when a software is not written in Java, hence I'm quite happy about Java being the language used here.
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